Could it really be me?

 I was not even sure that OD would let me on.  It has been
that long since I even opened the site.  I have no idea how
everyone is doing.  I add that to the guilt of my life these
days.  I miss the stories and I miss my online friends.

My life has been out of control. 

Painting a much-larger-than-first-thought house
Celebrating a third child’s first birthday
Signing a first child to his first year of Kindergarden
Sitting through Karate, well wrestling two sons while trying to be a very proud parent of one son in karate
Planning a trip to CA, rescheduling, and then rescheduling again.
Starting a partnership with a friend and struggling with a husband who thinks it is a waste of time.
Endless doctors appointments for endless ear infections.
Cleaning acid reflux induced yuck
Cleaning acid reflux induced yuck again
Cleaning acid reflux induced yuck again and again
Organizing and co-ordinating VBS crafts and decorations

Wow, there has to be more.  I know there is more.  But at 3.21 in the morning I honestly can’t think of more. 

Did I mention that I can’t sleep these days.  My mind just races. 

Will you accept me back into your lives? 

I really need to keep up with Kemma’s and Mommy T’s lives to put mine
into perspective.  Then I might not feel so overwhelmed.

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I’m glad your back.

May 11, 2005

I’m glad you’re back as well. 🙂

May 11, 2005

waves at you.

May 11, 2005

I woke up with you on my mind, and here you are!!!! We are going to be down your way June 10-26…., same area, different condo though. Let’s make plans, ok?

May 11, 2005

YAY, you’re back 🙂 SO GLAD to see you

May 11, 2005

I was wondering what was up with you. You *do* sound overwhelmed! Any time you can come back for a moment or two is wonderful, but we can ALWAYS wait. You deal with putting out the fires there, first, ok? 🙂

May 11, 2005

That sounds like a lot going on 🙂 I am sooo glad you’re back.

May 11, 2005

i’m with ya on the ear infections!! i hope your life become less chaotic soon! i’m interested to know more about this partnership!!

May 11, 2005

hi.. if you come to sf area. i would like to meet you Jeanne

May 11, 2005

🙂 Glad you’re back!!