Child care


I’m home today.  At least until I take Dz to the doctor.  His entire system has been melting for three days.  Enough is ENOUGH.  But it has allowed me to catch up with paperwork and read read read…….open diary that is.  Consequently for the first time in a looooooong time I’m feeling in touch with all of you !!


I will get my noting back up to speed soon.


I have a part time au pair/nanny/assistant/ younameit kind of person who has been working for me for 2 weeks.  The kids love her and today she did the most amazing thing with Dz.  His eyes were weak and he was ready for a nap and she took his hand and said, "Naptime" and led him to his room, helped him into bed, then she closed the door and walked away.  The most amazing thing, he stayed and WENT TO SLEEP.  Now why can’t I do that?????  She said that’s the way she has done it from day one and he never complains in fact from time to time he will come and take HER hand and indicate naptime.   It is good to see things sometimes in your own home through new eyes.  And having Val with the kids is doing that for me. 


Some of you will remember John from stories over at diary place.  John is the frugal one who spent a gazillion dollars on a dating service.. …ring a bell?  He was Tom’s best friend and college roommate.  If you don’t remember him I’ll give you a little background……..He is 40…….He is completely without debt……….He owns his house………his car………his boat……….has money in the bank………..does not have to work………….is a free spirit………..looking for a companion…………still even after a gazillion dollars………….belongs to the National guard………….is available most of the time. 


So when I accepted a part time job I accepted it partly because Tom was working at night and between the two of us we would not need childcare.  We had the perfect set up (unless of course we ever wanted to see each other)  But shortly after I started working and already after I had fallen head over heels in love with my job he moved to day shift.


Enter John.


It was perfect.  He was available and he was a quick solution.  What I didn’t realize is how much I would like having him keep the kids.  He was regimented.  Militant.  Fun. Together. Interesting.  Experienced with different cultures which he enjoyed sharing with the boys.  And best of all he was male.  And I didn’t have to worry about female dynamics in my house of boys.  And I didn’t realize how much he would enjoy actually being part of our daily routine.  It was brilliant. 


Until.  The one variable………..Guard Duty………………And I had three days to find a replacement.


Enter Valerie.




And this is where my story must pause.  Dz is crying and it is time for his appointment.  Come back, the story gets better.



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February 7, 2006

*is on the edge of chair*

February 7, 2006

Girl! I have missed you!!! 🙂 I look forward to you writing more!

February 7, 2006

WOW girl… have I missed you! I’m glad you’re back and I look forward to hearing more about your goings on! *HUGS*

February 7, 2006

Good. You’re writing. I was on the verge of calling you to catch up, as I just found my old calendar (2004?) wth your phone # on the January page.

February 7, 2006

Oh, like leave us hanging!! This better not be a long commercial.

February 7, 2006

*waits to hear the rest!!!*