
I would have thought, being the mom of three boys,  that I could skip the whole Build-A-Bear craze.   But no such Luck.  First there was George (CC’s monkey) and Mikey (AJ’s kitty)  and now baby Dain just added his very own BR Jackson to our family. 

Meet BR.  BR is a soft and silky and slinky and cuddly bunny and Dain is in love.


Truth be told,  I persuaded Dain to go for the bunny.  One feel of that bunny and you would understand.  All I did was say "OK, this one" when he was going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth  from the bunny to the doggie trying to decide. 

It was a sweet sweet memory that was not captured on film.  But I don’t think I will ever forget the pride of an older AJ showing his baby brother the B-A-B ropes.  AJ stood by Dain as he choose a lifeless but silky BR and then proudly by as BR took shape.  AJ pushed the pedal,  Dain inserted the heart and then after the last stitch AJ took Dain’s hand and led him to the washing station.  It was picture perfect as AJ handed Dain  a  dog paw brush and then they took turns fluffing and washing BR.  CC joined in to get a turn on the fluffing but soon rejoined the super hero costumes he had been eyeing from the beginning.  We all sat down at the computer to type up the birth certificate and three proud boys got in line.  CC with his batman costume, Aj with his superman costume and Dain with BR under tight grip.

Money pit!!!

As we left the mall, Dain insisted on carrying BR in what he called his basket (the cardboard house that comes with each bear)  The cutest thing because the ‘basket’ was as big as Dain and instead of carrying it he drug it behind him through the mall and to the car.   And on the way home as I looked over my shoulder to Dain’s carseat all I saw was the B-A-B ‘basket’ and two little boy feet dangling from underneath.


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June 18, 2006

This truly is priceless. What wonderful memories. Now get that picture loaded, ok? 🙂

RYN: If you’re on MySpace I suggest you find me (itsminedammit is my username) and read my latest entry there. It will bring you back to the reality of how bad it sometimes sucks being an expat.

I never thought I’d get out of B-A-B with Gavin, but luckily, we don’t seem to have one remotely close by.

June 19, 2006

we have a bulid a bear as well as bulid a bear. I loved your story-made me feel all warm and fuzzy

June 20, 2006

Oh! The pictures! I think I melted.