Aj update

Written last night.


Well good grief there is a reason that I don’t typically watch the news.  So far I have a heavy heart due to a son who shot his two parents / an 8 year old who saw both parents killed and the live version of the "chilling" 911 call / an elementary school principle who dropped dead unexpectantly/ flying stray bullets into a school bus/ second graders stabbing a classmate with a hypodermic needle/ and I know there is more but perhaps I was able to block it out. 

At least until my nightmares tonight.

My Aj was able to get his stitches out today.  Unfortunately due to the loss of blood flow to the gum it did not thrive and re attach…..instead it turned white, shriveled up and died right under the stitches and got stuck there until the dentist could release the stitches and the skin.  I know I know that was probably too much information but at least I didn’t post pictures.  Not that I even got photos mind you but I’m just saying.

The gums look good except that he is missing the scallop piece of gum that goes between the bottom center teeth.  Although at this point there are no nerves exposed he may need a gum graft from the roof of his mouth in the future.  

The fall and the telling of that story took the real glory out of his accomplishment for that day.  He did not attend school the day after but I was able to drop him off for Friday night live. 

Severe bragging ahead.

My son was one of 3 out of his class of 21 who was invited to a special recognition celebration.  He is honored as one who always shows respect for others, has a readiness to listen and learn, and is responsible.  An honor and celebration that only 15 out of the school were invited to.

He was still raw and bruised and in pain but when I asked him if he was ready to return to school on Friday he declined and said, “Mom I do want to go to Friday night live.”  You better believe I got him there but with the parameters set:  No corndogs to bite into instead he feasted on oatmeal and a banana smoothie and he could only be painted on the skin that was not impaired and finally NO parachute game! 

We both came away with pride.  And Aj came away with a cool painted tiger nose and forehead.

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March 30, 2006

You are a heroic mom. I would’ve shrivelled up right along with that piece of gum.

March 30, 2006

Go AJ! 🙂 Yeah the news sucks. 🙁 I watch the weater…

March 30, 2006

ahh poor aj, poor mommy

March 30, 2006

Bless his heart… poor little guy! *shudders*

March 30, 2006

Way to go AJ!!!!! I can’t even tell when I last watched the news…for the same reason, it’s never anything uplifting and who needs that?