A Place for Vanity


At least maybe I’m blazing a path.  Not perhaps for the greater cancer culture per se but for vanity sake at Cancer Centers of the Carolinas: I’m making a difference.

During my first patient orientation, Reeva received all of my paperwork and asked me to stand still for my photo that would always pop up when my chart is pulled electronically.  So she pulled out the little round web cam and aimed for my face from her seated position.  Now anyone knows that the odds of capturing a great head shot through the angle of the bottom of your chin and around the nose (hair) can.not.be.good.  So I told her that before that shot hit my charts that I would have to approve it.

And it did NOT work.  So I asked if I could hold the camera for her or help position her hands in order to capture the perfect straight on head shot.  And after approving the acceptable, dare I say stunning head shot, she added it to my charts.

2 weeks later when I returned for my appointment, Reeva said, "Ahhh, you’re the lady who taught me how to take phots of my patients.  I’ve been trying to remember who it was.  Ever since you taught me how to capture the perfect head shot, my patient charts look great"

And as my chemo treatments start and I lose my thick red hair, will there be a place for vanity? Perhaps in the form of coordinated outfits and headgear. In fact, I am determined to be a walking art statement full of color.  And for the next 2- 3 weeks until I am bald, I am seeking a multi colored, patterned, shaved funky hair style for my art statement and if i can get an artist to design it, they can even sign my head.

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September 1, 2011

You are, indeed, blazing a trail!