

My husband and I crossed paths today only for a moment…..Well two actually.

as I was screaming in from my morning appointment while screaming out
to fix a pharmacist error. Well…..two errors actually. The pharmacist
sent Tom home with two bottles of un-reconstituted antibiotic. One for
Dain and one for AJ. Which was only after the Pediatrician prescribed
an incorrect antibiotic with penicillin for Dain who is allergic. Thank
God I caught it. But the organization involved to “nurse” health care
professionals is mind boggling. Especially when two are home with
raging ear issues and needing their medication…..GEESH!!!

the second time as I was returning and he was screaming out to work
when his exact words were, “We really have to get our priorities
straight, we are living in a pig sty.” How do you spell sty anyway?
Sti, Stie, Stiye, Oh never mind but that reminds me of a childhood
chant that I know I have told you about before….”Sty sty on my eye,
go away to the first passerby.” Nice huh?

And sadly it never worked.

the dishes are to be done. And have been for two days. Disgusting I
know. And why I am sitting at the computer and typing all this out
instead of unloading the dishwasher to load the dishwasher to do the
first of two cycles is B-E-Y-O-N-D me…..

Except that the
simple tasks of life are not so simple. That I juggle the decisions to
1 Have a clean and organized house where I can actually FIND a sock
mate once in a while, or have a clean fork when breakfast is
ready……and 2 that I hold and console a child that is unhappy and
quite tired of tossing his eggs……and 3.. Ok the point is that I am
juggling and to me I’m a little tired of being undervalued as a mother
of three who simply can sometimes make sure that all three survive till
bedtime prayers.

I’m a little negative. I always made a solid
point not to open Open Diary if I didn’t have something witty and
wonderful to convey or remember. That this was a place for me to be
charming and fun rather than ranting and raw.

But let me tell
you that it was so nice to open Open Diary to find wonderful and
welcoming notes today. It was a real pleasure. And soon and very soon I
will get it together.

I need Fly Lady……..AS SOON AS I FIND
ultimately gets shuffled to the next day until the list is so large
that it becomes a project file that becomes filed and then ultimately
lost that causes a panic attack because I have no idea if I am doing
what is needed in a day without headers and  points.. ………


I ‘ve really never met Fly Lady…..I think we need to become acquainted.

I am ready to be engrossed in the things of the days that make each linger.

like memories of AJ in his white /white belted karate suit as he out
perform every other student in the class…..in his very beginning
weeks. I mean he hurdles and leaps and kicks and stands in attention
and bows and performs like a true athlete. Yay AJ.

Memories of
precious baby Dain who turned one. Who is the most gentle and sweet
spirited child I have ever known. Who is overjoyed when his brothers
bounce on their bed matt (on the floor) and allows him the space to
join in. Who is overjoyed when mom gives him a baby fork to use for his
chunked canned pears instead of his fingers. Who is overjoyed when he
sneaks out the front screen and onto the front porch unassisted…..but
who also always looks back to make sure we make eye contact and makes
sure that I know exactly what he has accomplished or is trying to get
away with.

Memories of a day with CC on his new Spider Man
“squooter” Or the maiden ride on his Harley look alike bike out of
Wal-Mart and into the parking lot. OH that grin on his face and those
arms stretched out and to the side as he rode on those freshly waxed
floors. And the sheer glee in his giggle when I counted to 10 in French
across each of his fingers and then is toes just before he climbed into
bed for the night.

Ahhhhh. There that does it. I already feel better. Now THAT is the stuff of a fine diary.

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May 12, 2005

Two entries in as many days? It’s like Christmas or something! We had some pharmacy issues of our own, with Target. They were not supposed to mix the powder of one of Piper’s meds, because she needed to take it for 21 days and it only lasts 10 days once it’s mixed…but we figured it out finally. I’m glad you’re all well!!!

May 12, 2005

I love your stories… whether they are rants or funny ones… We all need a good rant once in a while… *hands you some bon bons* (heh heh heh)

May 12, 2005
May 15, 2005

It’s so much fun when doctors try to give you stuff you are allergic to, even if it is only a derivative of the thing you are allergic to. I hope everyone is on the mend.

May 19, 2005

ryn: anytime is fine! And we are in Garden City again, we just had to get a different condo because we had to change the date & our regular place wasn’t available. So, it’s just up the street about a mile, I think. We’re going to miss one VBS, but I’m hoping we’ll still squeeze the other two in (we’re serial VBS’ers-LOL!)