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January 14, 2006

She doesn’t own a dressHer hair is always a messShe never compromisesLoves babies and surprisesYou’re beautiful.

i think you should come live with me when we go to college and we can have a burmese mountain dog. i want one like nobody’s business. this is a crappy note but whatever.

it’s a track jacket, but thanks :). and i’m only a sophomore so this is like a two year delayed plan. where do you want to go to college?

supposedly there is a volcano that will erupt half of it will slide off creating a mega tsnami that will devastate the entire east coast of north america.

January 15, 2006

Hugs. Kisses. And lots of love.

January 15, 2006

Hmm… How did you find my diary? You’re added. -Sinless Silhouette

January 20, 2006

🙂 doesn’t postsecret just rock?

i love you.

February 15, 2006

i love you. dont forget it.

March 18, 2006

One of my favourite sites, fo shizzle.

March 18, 2006
