Sunday Ramblings
I went a little longer between entries than planned but I honestly didn’t have much to write about – Sunday night does seem like a good time to recap the last few days, though.
Nothing quite beats the feeling of a Friday afternoon at 6pm when work is finally done for the week and I can stroll happily to my car, buoyed along by the knowledge that I have a full two days away from that place. I didn’t do anything too wild that night, just went for a walk with my iPod in to enjoy the warm evening…and to get my steps up because Fridays I never seem to hit my step goal (yes, I’m one of those people.)
Saturday morning passed the usual way; parkrun (another decent time!), sweaty workout, and a little nap was in there too, of course. Then that afternoon I dolled myself up and went to meet some friends in the city for a drink. I had a really good night, including briefly seeing an ex and quietly being thrilled because I knew I was looking banging that night…not that I’m shallow like that or anything…Anyway, the friends I met up with were ones I used to work with at my previous job and it was so nice to have a chat and a laugh about all the good/bad/horrifying times we had together at the camp. Nothing bonds a group of people like having to deal with the crazy situations that come up when you work with kids! I haven’t laughed that much in ages, it felt so good! Of course, all the alcohol helped too.
We parted ways not long after midnight so some of them could catch the last train home. I marched one friend down to Bourke St and got her drunk ass safely on her tram home before walking through the streets of the city much more confidently than I ever would do so sober. Dear old Mum picked me up (25 and still get lifts home from my ma!) and after an obligatory stop at Maccas which included the world’s greatest tasting fries, I was home and in bed by no later than 1:30am. That’s my kind of night!
Unsurprisingly, I skipped my long run today because by the time I roused myself from sleep (mascara smeared down my face because guess who didn’t take off her makeup before passing out), it was too late in the morning to run seeing as it’s so hot here at the moment. Honestly, even if I had woken up early enough, I don’t think my body would’ve cooperated enough to get me through an 18km run. I did eventually get out for a little 5km shuffle earlier tonight once the sun had gone down and the breeze cooled off the temperature a little so the guilt was somewhat eased.
Got some very sad news earlier on from my brother – his friend from high school committed suicide. Tom, his name was, and I remember him pretty well – it’s hard not to remember somebody when you grow up in a small town, going to an equally as small school. He’s the second person from my school days to have killed himself in the past 6 months, with the first being the younger brother of a mate. It’s so endlessly devastating to think that these young men couldn’t see any other options than ending their own lives; how helpless they must have felt. I didn’t know either one particularly well and can’t say I’ve seen them since high school but the thought that they just…aren’t here anymore is so sad and odd. Like, something I just took for granted as a permanent background fixture in my life, gone. Not to mention their poor families and friends; losing these men who I only remember as being bright and funny, I can’t understand how you’d get over something so cruel.
It is a balmy 23 degrees F here with a fresh coat of snow. It sounds like you are not in the states though so you’re probably a Celcius person. Lol. Sounds like you had a great time out with your friends. Sorry to hear of the young man who took his life. Mental health is no joke. It’s very sad to think of someone reaching that point. Take care.
@celestialflutter -5C?! It blows my mind that people actually still leave their houses and go on with their lives when it’s that cold outside! I live in Australia so if we ever saw those kinds of temperatures, I think our people would surely just implode…
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I’ll be seeing my ex husband in August and I want to look banging then too.
@wildrose_2 Yes! And you will!
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Sounds like a great weekend. I cant help but be jealous, because you said it had been hot where you’re at!? Because, we just got slammed w/a ton of snow. Lol
@cherrywine_1 The only time I’ve seen snow was when I did study abroad in Canada and it was beautiful so I’m a little jealous of you! (Well, it was beautiful but way, way too cold for my liking haha)
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