25th Birthday
And so my 25th birthday came and went and I can’t help but feel a little sad that it’s over already.
It started like all of my Saturdays do – a 7am wake up for an 8am start at parkrun. I got lots of ‘happy birthdays’ by people who genuinely care and I guess it was all of those well wishes that pushed me across the finish line of the 5km run in 27.02 mins; my fastest time since I came back unfit and full of croissants from Europe last September. Still a solid two minutes off my personal best (25.08 if we’re being exact) but I’m certain that this is the year that I’m going to get my 5km time down to sub 25. Get it? 25 minutes for my 25th year! It has to be sign! (I can quite literally find a sign in absolutely everything, to be honest. I stuck with Angus for a little longer than I should have because, amongst other reasons, his car’s numberplate is ASU – just one letter off being Ash! A sign, right?! God, help me.)
After some good chats and laughs with running pals, I returned home to receive more love and birthday wishes from my family. As per tradition, we had a lunch where I got to choose what was on the menu; chicken casserole, party pies and sausage rolls, caesar salad, cocktail frankfurts, and garlic bread. I may technically be a quarter of a century old now but I still have the food tastes of carb-filled 10 year old. Complete with a sprinkles and pink-iced sponge cake. I’ve just about turned into a sphere with the amount of food I’ve eaten today but this is a guilt-free zone; I can worry about the scales tomorrow.
My presents were spot-on…probably had something to do with the fact that my family asked me for exactly what I wanted. No complaints here, though! A Nutribullet, new house plant (with the warning, “we’re giving you one last shot!” because of my reputation for being a serial plant killer), a couple of vouchers, and a llama colouring book later and I’m a very content woman! I’m especially excited to try out the Nutribullet – just watch me blend absolutely every meal for the foreseeable future.
I had originally thought that I was going out with a friend and her cousin tonight but I spoke with her today and she never brought it up so I guess the invite was rescinded but I’m not too disappointed about it. I went and saw Mary Poppins at the movies instead…alone…as usual. On the drive home I sung along to the radio with the window down and just enjoyed the warm night breeze on my face, feeling entirely okay with being alone. I guess no matter how old I get or how much I worry that I should be putting more effort in to finding the perfect someone, at the end of the day I’m still alright with my own company.
I’m 25, scared shitless of my complete lack of direction in life, but confident I’ll get to where I’m supposed to be eventually. Maybe in another 25 years.
Yeah, us American folks have to have our own set of numbers for whatever reason… it’s mostly out of habit I use the F-scale because that’s just ow we translate it to the public. Meteorologists tend to use celcius a lot, so I am accustomed to both.
Happy birthday, belated I suppose. But I guess technically, it is 537am here on Saturday, so perhaps I am the first
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happy birthday!
seems a lot of people have no idea what they’re gonna do at 25
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Happy 25th birthday.
Hopefully you get to reach your running goal this year. You already sound much more athletic than I am.
Sounds like you had a good birthday. Sorry to hear that your plans to hang out with your friend didn’t work out, though.
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