The Apology

I love you, I’m so sorry, please don’t abandon me in this horrible time.  You’re all I have in this world. My drinking is over for real this time.  I’ll never drink another drop.  This time in jail has made me realize how I haven’t treated you the way you deserve to be treated the last few years.  I need you and the kids in my life. If you find it in your heart to give me one more chance, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you blah blah blah

Don’t abandon you during this horrible time that YOU created?

Your drinking is over? Like the last time we went to court? Like when you got your DUI? Like when you wrecked your car?  Just like all those times?

Tell the children that you assaulted and berated, that you love them??

All you need is one more chance? What about the fifty other one more chances?

And how in the Mary mother of fuck did you not realize you were treating me badly??? I’ve only been telling you for the last few years!!



Oh for fucks sake..



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