Well, we’re still here…
My work weeks have somehow gotten longer. I’m working 50+ hours a week and I am not happy about that. I’ve been feeling really drained every day and someone mentioned that I was working more than anyone else there and I didn’t even realize this I just said maybe that’s why I am feeling so drained and tired every day. So today I looked at my upcoming schedules and yep over 50 hours again for the next three weeks. UGH. I’m going to see if I can give away some hours because I don’t want them. So, everyone has asked me how old I am at work they say “how old are you, because you look like you’re 19-22” and it is the same every time someone has asked me, then I tell them my actual age and their jaw literally drops. LOL They don’t, believe me, they think I am joking, I even had to pull out my driver’s license and they just are stunned. YAY for me! I told Dave and he said yea, everyone always tells me you look extremely young, it must be all that money you spend on Murad. 😅 *Excuse me, you’ll have to make room because my head is getting big with all this looking younger stuff. lololol One girl after her shift sat me down and pulled out a notepad and said ok can you tell me the names of the products you use for skincare and tell me all the food that you eat too and vitamins because I’m 20 and I look way older than you but in reality, you’re older than me…so I said ok ready…I don’t have the stress of kids. Maybe one day we’ll be blessed with them though.
Today I got my first wave of endometriosis pain so I Checked my calendar and sure enough, shark week is upon me. I can feel how terrible the week is going to be by the pain level the week before and this pain stopped me like a wall and I am just not ready to tackle that. Back home I was blessed with a boss that has 3 daughters and then I also had paperwork from my doctor because it gets pretty severe so I was able to have at least 3 days off or 4 in a row during that week and sometimes the week after too because for some reason it fucking stays a week later. I would just let him know the bad week was coming and all of my bosses understood. But here, I don’t have my doctor whom I have had my whole life or her paperwork. I don’t want a new doctor so I’m going to have to figure something out.
When I got home today there was mail from our friends on the table. I was super happy. I love getting mail from loved ones. I saw the writing and immediately knew who it was from. The letter made me happy and I cried while reading it. I miss my friends so much. We both do. I don’t have many but the ones I do have, I miss them terribly. She sent me a beautiful little gift so I cried some more. I talk to my mom every day but it’s not the same as seeing her every day. I don’t get the joy of bringing her fresh flowers every week or having our breakfast dates every Saturday. I always miss my friend’s calls because of the time difference. Maybe I can set up a zoom date and we can all hop on next month when we move to our new home.
So, George’s siblings had puppies and I am getting one. We’ve already spoken and one is set aside for me. I truly feel that another dog would make him happy when I am at work and when Dave is at work. He can play with his sibling and it’ll make time easier. Do you think this???? Also, do you think he would be happier with a sister or a brother????? George is 4 years old. I just want him to be comfortable too. He is also in a new place and a strange home and I can tell he is also going through the same emotions I’m going through because he just lays in the corner all day. So I think this will help. Dave said no, but I said yes and that’s that. He didnt want George either, he fought me the entire time then one day I said Geroge is ready to come home and he is getting dropped off so please go outside to get him (I was out buying all the stuff for our new fur baby) and when I got home I walked in and Dave was cuddling George on his chest I knew he was in love, so I said ok if you want to give him back we can and he said no way he is ours. lol I obviously didn’t mean that I knew he would fall in love as soon as he help the puppy for the first time, and he did. 💗
goodnight friends.