Back to work today
I’m not 100% but I had to go back to work today. My shift felt harder than normal today because I’m not 100% better. We were short staffed so that didn’t help. I’ve been extremely nauseous all day today even now the feeling is strong! and that’s weird…why am I so nauseous! I’m over being nauseous and having headaches. Tomorrows gonna suck too because we’re going to be short staffed again.
I want George to have a sibling so I’m getting one for him. Should I get another boy or a girl? What do you think from your experience? I have to decide asap.
So, back to my pink front door…my hubby keeps saying no to pink. 😩 Sigh, it would look so cute! So I’m painting the whole house white, I want white everything! Then I’ll add some pop of color. The kitchen has this cute small black tile, it’s cute but I want to take it off and put a different color there. Maybe I’ll add a picture for opinions. There is a dishwasher but I never use dishwashers so I asked Dave to remove it so we can make it more storage room and a slot for the trash can.
Hmmm I think I’m going to make a new entry in here once a week instead of daily because my day to day is exactly the same every day.
Our friends are getting married in May so we’re coming home. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😁😁 I’m super excited about all of it! Coming home, and our friends getting married! So exciting! I already know what I’m going to wear. 🥰 How many weeks is acceptable to request to have off? 2 weeks? 3?
Ok goodnight