July 21, 2012
Nothing special today. Just basic updates.
Batman was AWESOME!!! I went in not having even seen the trailer. I know that’s sad and a lot bigger fans wanted to see the movie at midnight, but that’s okay. It was fricken amazing. It kept me awake the entire time, which is good considering I had worked all day. I did take a brief nap between lunch and dinner to help with staying awake later. Since I was yawning at 11:45 pm that didn’t help. I’m not going to spoil it, but there’s a good 45 minute chunk that MADE the movie absolutely AWESOME! I am surprised that I didn’t cry though… I was close.
Work yesterday was a lot of fun. Not very busy. I made $75 which isn’t bad at all considering how dead it was. But Tim and I were goofing around a lot and it was fun. He also succeeded in keeping me turned on all fricken night by hitting my ass with various objects. Thanks a lot Tim. I hope you know it does you no good.
Unfortunately things are kind of sad on the other side of the world. Justin’s grandad is in the hospital. He was told a week to 2 weeks ago that he had 4 months to live…well he wasn’t told, but Justin’s mum was told. They didn’t tell his nan. A few days later he’s in the hospital very close to passing. All of the family said their good byes since they were about to go on holiday. Even though they didn’t want to go, they knew it was better to be happy and keep their mind off him. Justin was hoping that he’d pass while most of them were on holiday…save for some of the sadness, but I had a feeling he’d make it through that. He won’t pass while everyone is gone…he’d wait until they got back…purposefully or not. He’s on a bajillion meds to take away the pain, but he’s basically an unconscious soul right now. I wish I could be there for Justin. He’s doing just fine, but his family, especially his nan is finding it hard. It’s sad to say this, though many times it is true…sometimes a death in the family is good in that it brings everyone together. It’s sad to let those people go, whether it is their time or not, but that one person passing can bring a family together that may not even speak to each other on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual basis. I remember we had a family get together the weekend after my Grandma passed. That was a really hard funeral to go to. But my cousin who holds all our family Christmas parties held a family get together at his place, and all my Grandma’s kids were there, including the out of state-ers, and even a couple of my cousins from Texas came. I’m getting all sad and teary thinking about it now. I remember Justin saying he wished he was there with/for me then and I feel the same about it now. I wish I could be there for him. I know I’m going to find out either tonight or tomorrow morning that he passed on. I hope I can handle it. Wish I could be there =(
Well that’s pretty much everything. I am going to go watch some tv and chill. It’s been a very peaceful day. There’s something about waking up to a candle burning and the whole room just feels and smells soothing and peaceful. I hope the day remains this way.