
 So I think I mentioned before that I had an interview with Aerotek last week. It was basically an interview to get to know me and what I want in terms of jobs, etc.  I do have to call them and change my shift preference to first shift for reasons I will bring up in a moment.  I also had mentioned that I had a phone interview this morning. I purposefully waited to post this until that happened so I at least had one other thing to write about.  Basically, it was the same sort of interview as with Aerotek, but it was through Kelly Scientific Resources. The woman seemed really great, nice, and of course like many others was in awe  as to my relationship with Justin. Sometimes it gets old, but sometimes it also makes me feel pretty special 🙂  So, anyways, I originally thought the interview was FOR an actual position, since in the email she sent she said it was about a job I applied for.  Oh well. She said she will contact me within the next week.

I also got a call on Thursday about an interview with The Melting Pot.  I had that interview on Saturday and it went really well.  The guy said he is very interested in hiring me, but he wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into. I understand that completely because it’s not your typical restaurant. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s a fondue restaurant.  The server sort of prepares/makes the melted cheese blend with the different ingredients in front of you, and also when bringing out the meat for your entree, you cook it right there at your table and they have to tell you how to cook it, the times, etc.  So, there’s a lot more face time with tables and most servers are used to just asking questions and maybe explaining some things occasionally.  So, the manager asked that I come in to dine with a friend, and he would pay for the meal.  He was just doing cheese and chocolate with us, just so we could see how it’s done. I went there last night with Katie, and we got a chance to catch up, and had amazing free food.  I definitely want to work there, and I would like to work there on top of another place.  It will definitely help in the long run since I have a wedding to save for, a trip or two to England to pay for, a couple other big wedding things we need to pay for, and then my student loan repayment kicks in in May.  I’m also considering moving out now, once I get a job since Dad is planning on moving somewhere I don’t really want to live. Anyways, I am excited about this job, and I will hear back from one or both of the managers (both named Justin…that will be fun =/) later on this week.

Last week I had sort of put the pause on looking for jobs, just because I wasn’t really up for doing much thinking.  I’m still sort of sick and trying to kick this lingering cough.  Any suggestions for health stuff I can take or use? I am drinking plenty of orange juice and take my immune system tablets day to day anyways, but any other suggestions would be fantastic.  But, today I am back to hitting up …well, everything I need to be hitting up.  I’m looking for jobs and applying for jobs again today.  I keep applying for jobs at the Blood Center, they always have something available. And I get my usual emails too.  I also want to get back to working out this week, but today it may have to wait.  Elaine’s car has a flat and she’s needed my car for work.  She works third shift, so it wasn’t a big deal, but she says she has a lab at noon and she needs it then too.  So, I’m guessing when I get it back it will have no gas, and I currently have no money =/  I’m down in weight, already beating my goal, but I’m guessing this last week is because I’ve been sick and not eating very much. I sorta took advantage of that and ate some crappy foods =/  Back to healthy foods and watching what I eat! Hope I can go work out today to help out…

Hope everyone has a good week!  

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