Crying + Sick = silly?

 Does anyone else cry when they are sick?  I feel so silly for doing it.  When I realize how sick I am, when I’m thinking about it, I just start crying.  I don’t know why.  Okay, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’m also practically on my period and I get all super emotional around then anyways.  But last week when I was sick, I got crabby and then just started crying out of frustration. My dad asked why I was crying and I just told him I wasn’t, my eyes were just watering and I had a runny nose (which is exactly what happens when you cry..ha)

But today, I realized I’m not much better than last week.  While my symptoms are far less and more comfortable, I’ve realized I still get coughing spells after I do any sort of minute work (I had to shovel out my car this morning and started coughing up a lung afterwards), and then I realized that while my coughs don’t feel like they are from my chest, they feel dry, my chest feels really heavy when I breathe.  I realized it later now, and my chest just feels really heavy, and I wasn’t hungry today,I’m really tired for no reason and just realizing all these things made me break down and start crying.  Why??? I know i’m not going to die. I know I didn’t give it to anyone. So why the hell am I crying? *sigh*

That is my current frustration. Now I’m going to make some tea, go to bed, and go straight to the walk in clinic in the morning.

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Hope you feel better!

February 28, 2013

I cry when I’m sick. And omg, I’ve been so emotional right before my period and during it since i was pregnant – can’t believe its almost been a year since i lost my baby. I hope you feel better soon… no, scratch out that “soon” and put now!! haha. RYN: Yes, very difficult class, but this professor makes it a lot harder than he needs to be. His test questions are worded in a way to purposely confuse people. I’ve taken his classes before, and know what to expect. The tests are online and timed – have to be at the college and take it in a room where people can watch to make sure you aren’t cheating – even goes as far as taking the keyboards away.

February 28, 2013

Also, I’m keeping the textbook. Paid $110 for it, and the college bookstore will buy it back for $20?! uh, no. I kept my Psychology and Sociology textbooks too – always like going back and reading some stuff, just like reading my old entries on here back from 2005 until now… just never have time to do entries that much lately because of how much human biology takes literally 95% of my time everyday, including weekends.