Working Local
Im starting to think that after my leave, I don’t want to go back to work. Well to work that I know. I think it’s time for a change. I was talking about this today with my Mum. I feel like I have done all I can where I am and I’m starting to get sick of the hotel life. Now with this little one on the way and almost here, I don’t want to have to, travel to the city everyday, and I’m going to need time off if he gets sick. Most of all, I would like to go back part time and I know thats not going to happen. It’s interesting that I spoke about this to Mum, and out of the blue, she says “Work With Me.” (Just a re-fresh, my Mum and Dad own a florist shop which is a 10 minute walk from our house.) The best part of this would be that I would be able to take babe, with me to work a couple of days a week and if he was to get unwell, I know that I wouldn’t need the time off, us I would be able to take him with me to work.
I really like the idea of being local and working local. But the iceing on the cake would be that I’m working with family. And some how I think that Grandma to be would just love the idea that her grandson would be around most days. I guess that it’s something to think about. I wouldn’t be able to start yet, as I’m waiting on my three year pack from the hotel and also the girl that works for Mum is leaving mid-late next year to start her own shop. So Mum was pulling dates after Mothers Day, but more to July, August. Matt and I will talk it over. I really is something to think about.
hehe, I was thinking about that too! I really don’t want to go back to school after Makayla’s born. Altho I’ll only have to go back for like, 3 months, so it shouldnt too bad!
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hey i hope you change your m ind bout goin back 2 work…LOL i know what you mean my friend is pregnant an well when she has her baby her thoughs of work is DONE she isnt goin back…it might mess up her life if she doesnt she needs all the $ she can get…xoxo
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That’d be something that *I* would consider if I could take all 3 kids lol :o) Just to get some extra money. I’m not sure what you mean about being local, working local? Just not getting out anywhere else if you did? Good luck in whichever choice :o) RYN: Well shoot, 22 lbs isn’t bad at all! ~ajaye
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If you and your mom get along OK, it sounds like an ideal situation. It would “satisfy” your need to make some money as well as your need to be an at-home parent, and it would bond your son and your mom so much. Imagine being him and growing up knowing his grandma so closely! I hope you can make it work. Yaaay!
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i think it sounds like a *great* idea…specially if the pay isnt too bad!
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Hi my name is Ashley and im 18.3 weeks pregnaunt and i was just looking for some pregnaunt people that i could talk to and compare stuff to and i found your name it would be nice to chat with ya every once in a while if you would like to if so just note me back thanks i hope to hear from ya soon
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You left me a note — THANK YOU! I was also curious, did you have any idea about a fertility problem such as no period? I get a monthly and it is very regular. I hope you don’t mind my asking… You are the only person I know of to ask. This is my 4th month of trying. I hope it will be the ONE, but I can’t help but worry. I know I shouldn’t as it takes the “average” couple 6-9 months. Thank
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Wow … that sounds like it would be a great oppurtunity! To be able to have your little one right there with you and have the flexibility of a family-owned business … Best of luck! I hope it works out for you!
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