Why Organic? Part One
Why do I make/fed Callum only organic baby food?
It’s overly important to me that Callum obtains the most premium food that is best for him. By feeding your baby organic food you are ensuring a diet free of chemicals at a time when your baby’s growing body is most susceptible to environmental damage. I know that as a new parent I worried about whether or not Callum was/is thriving – whether he was getting enough whether he was sleeping enough or not enough whether I was coping as parent or if Callums weigh was good enough. I started to really pull my hair out. We no longer are seeing the health nurse who kept telling me that co-sleeping was bad for Callum. I weighed Callum on super market scales yesterday and he has hit the 6 kilo (12 pounds) mark for 5 correct and 7 months real age.
However I feel that he should still see the Ped, due to him being preem. These are all common concerns and experiences. In the end I stopped listening to everyone, I went with my heart and instincts. It was the best move I have made yet. I wanted Callums first foods to be pure and gentle, that was made with one nutritious ingredient and easy to digest.
I find it just as easy to make baby food as buying it. Australia is very big into organic growing and eating of food. We have some wonderful organic baby food brands. My all time favorite is Bellamys. Grown from organic produce and Made/packed in Tasmania. Aussie owned. (You get it from Wollies/safeway) It is also endorsed by the Australian Breastfeeding Association.
I read around open diary land, there are a lot of Mothers out there who are starting there babies on solids. Over the last month and very slowly I have started to induce Callum to Organic Rice cereal mixed with EBM. I have also started to make my own rice Congee. You just boil up rice with lots of water for hours and hours and then strain and you get a jelly type stuff which is the perfect first food- and you know how it was made.
Feeding foods with sugar and salt can have serious repercussions on a digestive system that is so delicate. Salt directly affects the kidneys, and can cause serious problems, not to mention preservatives and additives in processed foods.
You also have to consider what trend you are setting for the future… healthy eating habits start NOW. If a child is eating mostly fresh fruits and vegetables now, he wont be as reliant on fast foods and junk later on.
Breast milk or if you are using infant formula supplies all of your baby’s nutritional needs for at least the first 4 to 6 months of life, so don’t be in a rush to start solid baby foods. Starting solids too early can cause your baby to develop food allergies. Your baby’s intestinal tract is not as fully developed during the first few months and introducing solids at this time will be too much to handle. Also another reason to hold off on solids is babes inability to swallow solids correctly before 4 to 6 months of age and this can potentially cause choking. And contrary to the popular myth, starting solids early will not help your child to sleep through the night!
When offering a new type of food, always feed it for several days in a row before starting another new food. This makes it easier to detect food allergies, which can present with diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, hives or a rash. Do not offer mixed ingredient foods until you are sure that the baby isn’t allergic to any of the individual ingredients. Also, don’t add any seasonings or salt to your babes foods.
All babies will show an interest in their own time it’s not anything to worry about. Even if its over the 6 month mark. Just because its said that babies should have start solids at that age doesnt mean that you have to start then. I do think that its best you wait for your babe to show you signs that they are interested in solid food.
You rock for writing this. People should know that ‘organic’ isn’t an FDA regulated word. “organic baby food” can just be fancy lettering. Gerber has a history of using GMO fruits and veggies IN THEIR INFANT FOOD. Heinz isn’t much better. The way these things are grown and processed is not always the best. Profits over people. Making your own is easy, fun and rewarding. And delaying solids >
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> until a baby is actually ready is something more mothers should do. Babies ‘root’ and ‘eat’ off things pushed at their mouths quite early, but just because my baby will open wide and eat my makeup, shoes or or pebbles does not mean I should feed them to her. 😛 In my breastfeeding mom’s calender, there’s this quote: “Breastmilk contains 37 known immune mechanisms which find and destroy >>
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… any viruses or bacteria that may harm the baby. However, as soon as the baby is exposed to solid foods – even one bottle of sugar water – 17 of these immune mechanisms are destroyed and can never be restored.” Amazing, eh? 😉 ~:) Babs
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I feed Sean organic baby food, even though it’s more expensive. It’s worth it to me. I tried making his baby food but he refuses to eat it, it isn’t the right texture or something. So I feed him the Gerber organic. He loves it.
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When I have kids, they’ll eat organic foods. You’re right, it’s a critical period where they’re more suseptible to all the chemicals and added crap in food.
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