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YAY i can read your diary !!!!!! Not sure about the KILO stuff, everything is better in stones lmao do you know how many stones you are!!!! I was losing weight I got down to 11stone and was so proud, then I found Out I was preggers and now im back to 12 stones but once baby comes im dieting again!! Good Luck for yours !

February 16, 2004

Yay for starting. Atleast.. Hehe. But hey.. I’m sure you can do it. Maybe with a little help from WW or something it will go easier? Kisses

I’ve gained 12 pounds this winter..NONE of my jeans fit!! I refuse to buy new ones..Just have to get this weight off!!!!! Good luck to you (and me- lol)

I will support you!!!!! I hope you know that!


February 16, 2004

🙂 you can do it! I have faith in you!

last year I did the same thing, Just up and decided I NEEDED to loose some wieght. SO I did. I lost close to 35lbs. I did it on Weight Watchers. But mostly all you need is the self control. GOOD LUCK!!!

February 16, 2004

You can do it! Start? taking walks and showing off that adorable wee-little one of yours!!! (He he he, it’s fun 🙂 )

February 16, 2004

you can do it! =)

I need to start loosing all my baby weight. Good for you on your weight loss!

Good Luck hon! 🙂 I have lost around 7 kg so far 🙂 cause I am just loosing a bit too. I know you will be able to do well.

February 16, 2004

you can do it! I have faith in you!(((hugs)))

hey, good for you for getting the ball rolling, it will definitely take a lot of time and will be hard, but i’m sure you can do it!:) do you have a curves for women in your area? they’re a great athletic club for women and have helped so many women lose weight easily and fast. be careful going on any big diets, the main thing is to follow the food guide pyramid and excercise regularly, that’ll

do the trick:) it’s the healthiest way to do it. good luck, have fun while you’re at it too, it doesn’t have to be a horrible experience. try and find a partner too, that makes it a lot easier, maybe your love would like to take walks with you in the morning, or even walk with callum in his stroller!:) you’ll do great!

Please read my entry titled “She’s gone…(hopefully)” There is a Thank you in there for you. You will understand when you read it. Nothing bad about you..I promise.

February 17, 2004

RYN: lol. Good luck with loseing weight. It is hard in the beginning but when you start noticing then thats, when I think, that you get very motivated to keep going. Just dont give up and think positive, if you mess up, dont think thats the end and you can never lose weight, its way worth it!

February 17, 2004

This will be me as soon as the babies are born as well…. *sigh* RYN: Yes I am big lol

February 17, 2004

I believe you can do it too… just stay focused!! And if it helps, set little goals. Like, I plan to be such-and-such weight in two weeks! So for every goal you reach, treat yourself to something. Maybe a movie, maybe to a dessert! Just an idea… my mom did this when she was tryna loose weight! 🙂

February 17, 2004

good for you for telling her how you feel!!! i had the same thing happen to me and i iwsh i could go back and tell them!!!!