Weekend Happenings
I had a good weekend, after my news on Thursday. I have been trying to not think about it as much as I can and trying to just go with the flow.
Friday night Matt came home earlier then what I was thinking, which was just heaven. I didn’t think we would see him till next week but alas he is home now just untill tomorrow before he flys out to Taiwan again for 4 weeks. He got home every early saturday morning about 4am after driving all the way back from Victor Harbor. Not much of a sleep in but he did flop into bed for a couple of hours which was nice. There is nothing more I miss then just having snuggles in bed. We mostly just hang about the house apart from a trip to Target for Matt. Which I came across these..
and then Matt found this ..
As you can tell they came home with us. On a good note it felt good buying them.
We came back home and watched the grand final on the telly and ate lots of nibbles food that Meegs went and got. It felt so nice to just hang around home and laugh, which to be honest I haven’t done with Matt in a long time. I think a great part of the whole IVF thing is to just relax and try to add it into our lifes, and not make it become more of it. I did a bit of reading around the net on photography and I think I’m keen to learn some more. I was thinking that maybe I should join a club? A good way to meet some new people, make some friends but learn how to use my camera too.
Sunday we woke up very late, by the time we got it all together it was 3pm…eeekk so we just headed off to see a movie and then went out to dinner in Richmond.
Random moment was having Matt place his hand on my tummy, it just makes me feel very maternal, a big part of me wants him to do it all the time but with time that will happen, more so when I am pregnant.
I was walking past Callum’s bedroom on Saturday afternoon to find him playing with his cars which is nothing new but the light coming in was really warm so I took some photos.
Here he is just laying around on the bed and he was making car sounds.
Can you tell that he isn’t camera shy? But I’m sure there will come a time where he won’t want me to take anymore of him LOL. I’m happy to say that I took these two in full manual mode. I’m learning still…I have more to learn I think.
The ultrasound is tomorrow I’m hoping for the best.
I’m glad you had a good time, doll. You need it. *hugs*
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When you fall pregnant, I’m going to buy you a huge present!
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Joining a club could be a really good idea, especially if you’re looking to meet more people! *nods* When I first got my camera, I read some tutorials for different settings online and that really helped me in learning what different things did (ie, adjusting ISO, aperture, shutter settings, and how to use them together etc…) Coffee this week sounds lovely! The only day I can’t do at themoment is Thursday, but am available the rest of the time. Where (or when?) would be good for you?
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Sorry for not getting back to you until now – I’m still free on Friday.
Where will you be in Melbourne, I can travel!
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