The Joy Of Bread Making


I really can’t think of any more forfilling as a woman then making my own bread. It is something that I have been saving to do for a while now, we don’t eat that much bread we seem to eat more flat bread. I do have a soft spot for bread rolls with ham and cheese. I have done a lot of bread making in a bread making machine with bread mix, and they have always come out very nice, tasting better then what I could get up the market. But we all know that bread mix still has a lot of crap in it, so I wanted to try my hand at making my own bread, with bakers flour. I did a little research online, finding out why I should use bakers flours and the ins and out of why and how bread is made. Very simply bread comes down to protein and how well you kneed it.

While waiting for pizza one night this week, I was walking up and down the street waiting when a shop got my eye and spotted bakers flour and bread tins. I made a mental note that the shop was there and re visited it again today. I got myself a 700ml bread tin and some flour and off home I went to give this hand breading ago.

And here she is! My first loaf that I made with my own two hands, love and fun! I am happy to say that I had a ball in the kitchen making it. I had read so many negative blogs and posts about how hard it was to make bread, and that well it was easier to buy it.

Out of the tin, and the whole house just smelt of beautiful baked bread. I have to say, it didn’t last long. Matt’s parents came around to see us, and some butter and Jam later the whole loaf is gone, before it even got the chance to cool down. But I guess that is why I made it, so that I can enjoy watching people enjoy my cooking. I find that being in the kitchen is my favorite past time and I just feel at peace while I am cooking. So now I am thinking that next time I have Jam and butter on my bread I would like to have home made the Jam and home made the butter. Maybe even whipped butter!

I haven’t finished up writing the part two yet! But I promise whenever I get my bum out of the kitchen I will!

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Sounds brilliant! :))

My mouth is watering! 🙂 YUM!!!