My Next Baby Update
My Next Baby Update
I went for my ultrasound on Monday with Matt and they seemed to think that Thursday is looking good for the IUI. I went back today for a ultrasound and right is winning loud and clear, but they still want it to grow some more. Its at 16mm if your wondering. IUI is now booked for Sunday at 1pm. Friday night at 9pm I have to take my trigger injection which is a really big long fat needle. Eekkk not good. I’m thinking some photos are in order for that one! This injection type which I founf interesting is a really high dose of HCG to trigger the egg to release and then 4 days after my IUI I have a support shot to take and then again 4 days later another support shot. So my wonderful nurse wrote me out the steps for later half of my cycle. Today is CD 20 for me. I have been told no peeing on any pregnancy tests because of the HCG shots that I will be taking because any test I take is going to give a positive result when really it may not be.
Luteal Phase Injections are on 9th of October and 13th of October
Progesterone blood test to confirm Ovulation is on the 13th of October
Pregnancy blood test 21st of October. Unless I get my period first.
How far away does that pregnancy test sound yeah? It sucks it will be a month and a half from the cycle first day. This has been a really long long long cycle.
Ill take some photos part two coming soon….
Ive had such a long day……arrrhhh rest
crossing my fingers for you
(and toes). ryn: I purposely (ha, I lie) had a baby this summer to distract myself from the fact my BABY was starting grade 1. He’s sooooo old, and big. I mean, he rides a bike and reads. What the heck!?! I started this diary 2 days after he turned 1.
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Oh good luck hun!
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good luck hunny!!!
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That sounds so exhausting – and a very long process (this is genuinely opening my eyes up to the world of IUI and IVF). I’ll be keeping my fingers – and toes! – crossed for you in October!! RYN: Would you believe that I’ve never been to Monsalvat either (and yes, I live only about 15min from there), although I’ve heard it’s lovely too – will be sure to bring the camera! Also looking at thewebsite, there seems to be an interesting sculpture exhibition there at the moment.
What time did you want to meet there on Friday?
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