I {Heart} My Pump
I’m teaching my body to relactate. I’m every muchly at a point where I really want to breastfeed Callum again. It seems to be going well. I got my Fenugreek in the mail today and I have started taking that. I’m pumping very three hours and Callum is having a suck, but mostly cuddles in between my breasts like Kanagroo cuddles. I love the connection that we have, it’s just time for us. I really missed that. I’m going to see a lactation consultant (Lisa) not this Tuesday but next Tuesday. I was going to go earlier but I had to change it.
I must say, I missed my pump. Yes my breast pump. I think I really missed anything that had to do with breastfeeding. When I was on the phone to Lisa, she asked me which breast pump that I have and it a Avent isis breast pump. This is the most comfortable and efficiently for me, when I pumped for 6 weeks straight. If you are looking to buy a breast pump, buy the isis.
I feel really good within myself that I’m doing the best for Callum. He needs the breastmilk.
I really missed breastfeeding
My sister left the  Avent pump here. I want to keep it. I do want to breast feed if i ever have children. But my bra size is like a 10A so i have no boobs lol. I will do this in my own time…maybe i need a kick up the @$$!!!
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*hugs tight* I’m proud of you for doing this. 🙂 No matter what happens, be proud of yourself! I have the ISis too, it’s great! BTW, I think for relactation they suggest pumping every 2 hours for 10/15mins, it’s more often because your body needs the extra stimulation to re-start rather than just maintain. ~:) Babs
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Good for you. 🙂
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*smiles* hope you succeed hun *hugs*
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*shudders* I wish I could say I look forward to the breastfeeding part, but sadly I don’t.. I hope it corrects itself when bug is here. Kisses
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I am so proud of you!!!!!!!! You ROCK!!!!!!!!
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I used the isis too. (although, for the first month, I didn’t need a pump.. feed cole on one side, and let it poor into the bottle on the other :P)
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I registered for that pump, I’m glad to hear it works well =)
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Wow, that is so good for you! I’ve been breastfeeding Makayla and it seems to be going well. You’re fortunate that you can! 🙂
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I love that pump! It was so efficient and comfortable. You are doing a wonderful thing and no matter what happens, it’s okay:) Good luck!
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