I Can’t Help it

 We did a little christmas shopping today. I just picked up some stuff that was on lay-by for Callum. Matt and I just finished wrapping them all up and putting them away. I hate to leave christmas to the last minute.

I got my snap press!! It all came on Wednesday. So Callum and I spent the afternoon playing around with the press and the colourful snaps. I’ll take a photo of everything once I clean up the mess in here. Its like a fabric store in here at the moment.

 I have so much to do in the next two weeks. I have started to work on the stock for the website, but I keep on getting emails from people wanting orders and It just seems to right what Im working on.

I had a really good day today. Callum and I went to see some people. I dont really want to say, as its an idea im working on and well I can’t  bear to be giving anymore ideas away. Over all it went great. I was really shocked. We hada great time and so did everyone esle. Im really starting to  believe Im sitting on a winning ticket here. The more I keep thinking about my brain races off faster!

 I also got a nappy in the mail today. Its the best fitting nappy that I have ever had. It fits like a dream. Made from BKT its just beautiful. I ened up going back and ordering one for a friend. I know she will get a real kick out of it too. Enjoy! it’s getting posted out on Monday or Tuesday. The lady is going to make it, and ship it right  out to you. No double posting.

Anyway I better go, Im starting to feel very sleepy..


I’m such a Nappy Nerd! Really I am..Im sending a nappy half way around the world, because I know that someone (a nappy nerd too) will just love it…will be able to share the joy that I had today when I got home and saw a post bag by my door. Arh the opening. when you reveice a well worked on nappy. How you look it over with joy. Then the try on. Who can bear wait for it to be washed and dried? Then you see that you have just bought the worlds best fitting nappy…..and I couldn’t wait to share it with someone who I know would really feel the same way as me…Matt thinks I need to do a 12 step nappy program…..

Get your babe into a Cloth Bubby Boo Fitted Nappy. Now On Ebay!

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It seems like everyone on OD has become a nappy nerd. LOL


November 18, 2004

LOL. I just bought Kushies :oP. Sewing machine is essential to the make-your-own procedure, lol

November 18, 2004


sleep well, you nappy nerd! 🙂

November 18, 2004
