Has it really been 4 years?
Some how in the haze of life 4 years ago I never downloaded my diary. I was fine with it, I moved forward but that little voice deep inside was upset that I left my history into cyber space. My teenage years, my relationship with my ex, Callum’s birth story, ups and downs with my parents, coming of age and years of stories that have made me the person I am today.
My life is my three babies and my husband. Callum is now 14, Aurora is 6 and the newest Jude will be 3 in May. I would love to have one more little bubba. Jude has just grown so fast and his babyhood and now toddlerhood is passing by so fast and I’m left with the thoughts of “This is the last of all the firsts” and it makes me sad.
I did it, I went to tafe and studied to be a nurse. My long life dream to be a mum and be a nurse. Both something I strongly burned for. I currently return to uni in the second half of this year to start my RN course.
I work at our local hospital just casually but I may as well be full time. I have been only working now for 6 months and I love every moment of it. Even the night shift.
Im hoping to stay here, find some of my old favourites and reconnect. Xx
Congratulations on fulfilling the dream of mom and nurse both, that is amazing. Welcome back!
@thediarymaster thanks for your hard work getting the site up again and finding my diary for me.
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Being a nurse, helping other to get well, well I can’t think of a finer profession. My mother was a nurse and we still have her nurses hat. Do nurses still wear hats or is that a thing of the past?
@wildrose_2 thank you! I love being a nurse. No so glad we don’t wear them lol
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I think the 4 years of OD shut down went too fast. I never downloaded my dairy, I was ok with moving forward. This was my home since I was 16 (31 now). I’m glad that this site is back too. I don’t think I’ll find old OD friends, but look forward to meeting new
@serenadeoliver I know how you feel. I’m looking forward to making some new friends too ????
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That’s so great you got to follow your passions. Welcome back!
@kellzbellz thank you and welcome back too
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