Domestic Goddess Part Two * Edit
Still feeling like a Domestic Goddess, I cleaned and the made bed. After that I started to clean up the living room, and I even hang out that third load of washing and bought in my first load from this morning. I think that second load should almost be dry too.
Our humble room is now clean and baby free, of cars, a toothbrush, a cup, oh and i found the phone too. So after that, I needed to get out, so Callum, Lucy the dog and I ended down to the beach for a walk. Along our travels we come across a Blue bottle Jelly Fish which had come in with the tide.
I think that the jelly fish looks cool, so I took a photo of it. It was nice at bridgewater. A little windy, but still nice. Lucy and Callum both hada great time, running around and rolling in the water. There is sand everywhere, but it’s worth it. It’s priceless, a boy at beach with his dog..
I finished writing this entry and resided the photos, so I was sitting here all of 15 mintues. I got up to see what Callum was doing…and look what i found..
I guess Callum and his cars had better ideas then to let my bed stay nice and tidy …. LOL
Awww…. Bless him he’s such a cutie! RYN: Thanks chick I was feeling pretty down but better now
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haha, what a silly boy:) i love the picture of him and lucy. i wish i had the ocean that close.
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Me too, I wish I lived that close to the sea. I need a portal.
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Looks great! James parks his cars in funny places too lol!
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