Domestic Goddess
OMG I have done 2 loads of washing and have put them out to dry this morning, I now have the third load in the machine. I am a Domestic Goddess today peoples! Yesturday I "cleaned" up around the house, and went to the gym in the morning. Domestic Goddess two days in a row.
What I don’t understand is that, how on earth after me "cleaning" up yesturday can the house be dirty again. While it is only me here, it stays clean. Everything has a place, and verything in it’s place. Bam@#$% Soon as Matt walks in the house, dirty dishes, towels, TV remotes, Shoes, pants , belt it just really keeps going. I woke this morning to find the items he used to make lunch. I know today he had a chicken, tomato and lettuce wrap for lunch. How do I know this? Because everything was on the bench this morning. Arh!!!
After putting those items away, seeing that they have been out from 5.30am, Callum and I are having a lazy day. It’s PJ’s, no showers, no undies and no bra day here today. I have done washing, because if I don’t do it, it just gets bigger like my clothes are having sex and having baby clothes. I have been got the mail, and gave my neighours a treat with no bra on!! Go Neighours!! Was going to watch the midd day movie, however it turned out to be shitty something about a "WW3" is going to happen movie. I was kinda hoping for something interesting. I don’t know, teen pregnancy and how the poor parents are going to deal with it, or even something funny…
So for lunch I have made my self home made pizza, Callum is napping, and has been from 11.30am ish.
This raspberry cordal tastes like crap…
Hoping to get to the gym this afternoon. While it all goes on Matt and if he is working back tonight. Tomorrow is his RDO, however he is working. And last night he worked back by 3 hours. So if its anything like the last weeks, he will be working back tonight..I may have to ask the in laws if they could watch Callum for me, just for a hour…
My Legs hurts from the 20 ball squates that I did yesterday…ouch…do I really want to go back tonight?? *Sigh* Yes I do..
Mmmmm Lunch smells good.
hehehe, this is a cute entry
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I know the feeling of neverending cleaning, try 6 to clean up after!
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My landlady tried to make me watch that WW3 movie. It’s crap, we live near Bendigo, but because of the area of Castlemaine we live in, we can only pick up Ballarat tv stations. Given, I dont’ watch tv often, but when I do, I see all these ads for cheap furniture places, get excited, then go “Awww shit it’s in Geelong/Portland/somewhere else too far away!” lol
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