August Round Up! Part One.
There always seems to be to much going on in my life, or nothing at all. All the bigger things seem to happen while Matt is at home, because I enjoy doing things with him and being a couple while Callum was Kinder. With this time of him coming home, it was the most busiest!
It all started with Matt landing into Melburne on the Friday night, Callum and I headed out to the airport to pick him up and with much waiting he finally got thru customs. We headed home, to sleep because the next morning at 6am we where up and off to Portland for Jess’s and Geoff’s engagement party. I was then whisked away with the girls once we got there to head off and do our hair. I have to say that part I really did enjoy. After years of feeling like I don’t fit in with people, and by people mostly it is with other girls, I think I finally have a small group of people who I enjoy hanging out with, and they just happen to like me too.
There we all are dressed up and at the party. Matt and I had a great time and we even had a dance! I was so over the moon, Matt really hates to dance mostly because he thinks that everyone is looking at him and thinks he can’t dance. He isn’t that bad at all. After the party we all headed over to the "disco" and had some more to drink and more dancing, I had really forgotton how nice it is to be just free! Maybe it’s more of a feeling of freedom that I had but I just felt amazing. Sunday was spent travelling back home to Melbourne and I was just happy to be around my things and having Matt at home. While Matt was away with work, he ordered himself a new car and as it turns out it was ready for pick up Wednesday. So we mostly spent Monday and Tuesday running around getting the final paper work in.
There are my boys, Callum is mostly happy that we have a "racing" car now. And I have to say that blue colour is really starting to grow on me. When Matt first started talking about the car he was thinking of going black, but we all know that black is just a hard colour to keep clean. That wednesday night, Jess and Geoff drove up to Melbourne because we had tickets to see pink!
On the way into see Pink there was this random optus guy out the front and they where having photos so Jess and I jumped in while the guys laughed at us! Haha oh well it ended up being a ok photo! Very random but so much fun. Pink itself was amazing, the music, the set up I think I got my money worth but Im upset I should have gone Thursday night and not Wednesday because the Thursday was her last show in Melbourne. Doesn’t matter it was one of the greatest I have seen. It’s was the first time Matt and I had to get a real sitter for Callum. I was feeling a bit nevous about it all and seeing that we have never done that before, but he and the sitter had great time together. Shame it was a bit heavy on the hip pocket. Was $150.00 from 5pm to 1am. Still on a bit of high from the night we got home and stayed up chatting and to bed very late that morning.
More to come tomorrow
you look great!! that is one nice car too! wow! I love Pink too =) yay!
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August was a great month for you. I understand what you say about the not fitting in thing, I feel a bit like that so don’t tend to let people too close!!
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lol I see they did the Penguin thing everywhere in Australia then. Our penguins danced to the dj booth which was pretty funny. xxx
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