say what??

wrote this entry last night, I’m soooooooooo soooooo soooo sick my voicce is going and I feel like full blown CRAP!

I’ll compact it all because I’m at the starts of Tommy’s cold my throat hurts and is itch, I woke up feeling like crap, coughing and feeling like I have a huge mucus plug in my throat, not to mention that I didn’t fall asleep until after 5am kept tossing and turning getting up to pee and just laying there wide eyed and bushy tailed until I fell asleep and still tossed and turned, I tried to take a nap several times while Tommy and his dad drove the car back to Boulder City but that didn’t happen because as soon as I fell asleep here comes Chris stomping through with his fucking wallet chain hitting the walls and slamming doors every time he walked through RAWR and now I’m sitting here nodding as I type..

This past weekend has been nuts! Lets start with Friday me, Tommy, and his dad drove to Boulder City to pick up his friends 1957 Chevy Bel Air, totally bad ass car!! Anyway as we were on our way up there we passed the sign for “Boulder”Dam(Hoover), I was like ooo Hoover dam we’ve been there lol his dad turns around and goes you know when someone isn’t from around here, it’s called Boulder Dam” (got corrected by Tommy lol) now getting a history exam of the dam 😛 he’s still telling me about as I type ;), so we take the car and go out to dinner at this little Greek place me and Tommy split a prime rib dinner, I got a Greek salad I didn’t realize that feta cheese is made out of goat milk lol until Tommy’s dad asked me if I liked it and made the comment of they had good goat cheese there, I was like that was goat cheese he said yeah it’s made out of goats milk and Tommy starts in with the your going to wake up in the morning with a Go Tee and then proceeds to start baaaaaah baaaaah’ing me lol after dinner we drove around for a little bit then headed home.

When we got home, the boys were still here Tommy went and got the kids McDonald’s finally around 10pm we wanted to know what Chris’ plans were as far as taking them home, he said they were staying the night does he not realize Armani does not sleep at night, long story short me and his mom went and took them home around 11pm Jewelz and Armani were in the back seat Jewelz goes, “Armani is fake sleeping” I look and Armani has this cheese eating grin he goes No I not! and is trying not to giggle I said well then how did you hear him? he goes ” I just wokeded up” haha, they were both crashed out by the time we got them home.

Saturday, Tommy and his dad washed the car and messed around with it, they ended up moving the trailer in the backyard and just did guy things (not that anyone had any fun doing so)lol I stayed out of the way and such just being a good little girl ;D Poor Tommy sliced off a good chunk of his finger.. = We’ll just say a few of us were not particularly happy with the car being here….

Sunday, fathers day… Tom was supposed to take the car to the car show but didn’t realize it was actually the day before so needless to say he was home, Chris ended up bringing a shit load of drunk friends over and the boys just a bunch of people Tommy still sick was getting irritated he slept through most of it, anyway people kept fucking coming in going in the bathroom constantly sometimes it’d be 3 girls I guess at one point one girl was so drunk she was crying it was a bunch of fucking DRAMA bullshit, the funniest part was when Tommy locked them all out haha… Anyway towards the end, to girls came in and were in the bathroom fucking around and we heard something go tink tink as soon as a I open the door they go running outside like BITCHES turns out they broke the towel rod out of the bathroom wall and now there’s a hole in the wall, then as I’m making the kids get dressed Tommy comes in from the back asking what happened to Missy, he thought her leg might be broken because she was limping badly all the kids said some kid named Alex hit her seriously WTF! we went and ran some errands and came back everyone was gone, funny how Chris asks if family can come over and it ends up being all his friends. Any way Dani put Missy up on the couch and massaged her leg and she was out for the count seriously normally if you walk in the back or she hears your voice she’s right up perked around she didn’t even flinch when I went back there, luckily it wasn’t broken…

Yesterday I was busy all day, cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, washed 2 loads of our laundry then 2 loads of towels 19 towels to be exact! cooked dinner, cleaned up after that, showered which was niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol then tried to watch Jon and Kate plus 8 I can’t believe they are getting divorced… I feel so bad for those children… I cleaned the pool let me tell you there was paper towels, a lemon, a lighter, a ball, change, and even a shrimp in there when I cleaned out the vacuum basket and a bunch of other crap. it took me forever to get the broken up paper towels out and it was all breaking up and floating around even after Tommy poured in the chlorine and I was scrubbing the sides paper towel pieces were still coming up so I got the net again so as I was going along I swapped back and forth I was PISSED! but cleaning the pool is a damn good workout I will tell you that much my legs and abs were screaming later on lol.

I’m too tired to think anymore so I’ll post these pics and finish up this entry tomorrow with anything I might have forgotten..

I forgot Friday Charlie got a summer hair cut!! ok ok he got shaved lol…


Puppy Love




These are all on the way back from Boulder City




<a href="; target="_blank”>photobucket

No it’s not a Jelly fish cloud lol it’s just the reflection off the dashboard in the window..













La Car…

Im outtie…………

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