Rollin’ with the punches

It’s seems like lately the only time I’ve written is when someone has passed..

I don’t think I wrote about it but shortly after my dad passed away, my aunt Susan my dads sister found out she had breast cancer, they removed her lump and she under went 17 weeks of chemo and then was to start 13 weeks of radiation treatments, we were all very hopeful that she would pull through this and she was doing so well, even though she lost all her hair and had to endure a lot of the side effects and pain that came along with the treatments. I had just talked to her on facebook about a week ago she had posted a comment on a status of mine and was telling me a story about my dad.

Saturday at 9pm on June 2nd the phone in the booth rang I knew it wasn’t inside the store I answereed and it was my stepmom crying I asked what was wrong and she told me my cousin Roy had went over to my aunts house and found her in bed dead. Que me freaking out and hystarically crying in the back of the booth, I went inside and hid in the lady’s bathroom and called my mom bawling, I don’t think I made any sense but, she still listened to me and told me the calming things only a mom could say. I honestly haven’t even began to go through the motions of coping with the loss of my father, I cry over something so minute, I have little triggers a lot of times its when there’s something important I need or want to tell him or share something silly with him and I go I need to call him but I can’t… I feel like I’ve lost him all over again and now I’m going to have to find a way to cope with both their losses.. It scares me too because, my dads dad(grandfather for all legal purposes) passed from cancer, then my dad passes from cancer and then not even 8 months after my dad my aunt my dads sister passes away from cancer… It makes me feel like am I next? I’m just so sad ='( I just want a big bear hug from my dad and him to tell me everything is going to be okay..

Where ever they are I’m sure they are laughing causing trouble and telling all their famous stories like only they could <3 I miss my dad so much.. </3

I don’t think I’ve written here at all since I went to Cali.. goes back to look nope, not since my allergic reaction to my breathing medication, which I went to the Dr. they got me in that following day HA usually you have to wait MONTHS to get into my Dr. no joke, so I went in and told him all about my wonderful not so pleasent adventure and if it was humanly possible his jaw would’ve smacked the floor lol he put me on new meds that are made with different compounds and so far so good, they are HIGHLY more expensive than the albuteral, but are way more potent and I thank the shitty insurance gods that I have because I’d rather pay 40 bucks for an inhalor and my nebulizer liquid than to pay 999.95 for just a months worth of nebulizer liquid and 649.00 for a single inhalor lol

So in April I flew down to Cali for my sisters birthday, it was strange because it was the first time I wasn’t flying down to see my dad being ill, or when my dad passed, or for his funeral, I was just going down to visit. When I went over to my dads house, I couldnt bring myself to go into his room because my stepmoms granddaughter was sleeping in there with her son… long story and I’m not pleased by this, it was heart breaking because it’s no longer his room she has desicrated it… It was very tough for me. While I was there Cali was going through a heat wave, and the house was hot well all of a sudden my stepmom looks at me, and then I felt it this coolness just wrap around me and it lingered for a good minute and then it was gone, only me and her felt it.

I had a blast, my lil sister got her first car, so we went all over the place, on her birthday we drove out to pebble beach and we ended up at the boardwalk, long story short it was FREEZING but we still built sand castles haha and her and her boyfriend nick actually got in the water KRAZY ASSES! haha.

I went and watched my little boo’s(my niece cassady) softball game, she had NO idea I’d be showing up there so it was awesome when we got there, her face was priceless as she ran and jumped on me and wouldn’t let go, now this is aqward because I’m barely 5ft and she’s only a few inches shorter than I am lol. After her game we went and surprised my family at my cousin Tyler’s 5th birthday party, we left there early because we were all getting heat stroke, so we went back to my moms house and just chilled out.

Flying back home was an adventure, for those that don’t know I don’t do flying very well lol. My sister and me were discussing what time we should leave and low and behold while were talking I recieve a text, but I’m not the rude type to check my texts while talking to someone, so after we were done I go to check my texts low and behold it’s southwest saying my flight was delayed, and I now wouldn’t be getting into vegas until 10:45pm almost 2hrs later than what I should have been, so i was a little miffed by that but I knew I had to work the next day, well come an hour later I recieve another text now I wouldn’t be landing until almost 1am I’m like FUCK THAT! I called southwest and after many calls and disconnects, I get the coolest gayest guy ever and within 5 minutes he has me on the flight prior which is also running late but would be landing at the same time my orginal flight was to land. So he told me I’d have to go and re do my boarding pass and check in I’m thinkin I’m screwed I’ll be last to board well I ended up getting in the low A group I thought that was weird, so we headed to the airport and while i was sitting by my terminal, they pop up on screen that my orginal flight had been canceled all together… I’d been so screwed, come to find out when I got on my plane there were less than 20 of us on board, lol I took my jacket and pulled up all the arm rest and made me a comfy bed.

What else… hmmm work is well work, that’s a WHOLE nother entry lol
Actually I’ve prolly bored you all enough for one night.

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June 6, 2012

I`m sorry for your losses *hug* I hope you and your family are okay! Love traveling and flying, but I do get paranoid and stressed that something might go wrong =S And I know you from Bloop =P

June 6, 2012

So sorry for your losses sweetie. I know it’s hard, especially when they are so close together. But you’re a tough cookie and you’ll be ok, eventually. It just takes time, unfortunately. My dad has been gone 21 years and little things still make me cry when it reminds me of him. Hugs

June 7, 2012

Sorry to hear about your Aunt! Keep yourself healthy and watch Dr. Oz’s cancer fighting shows…find some supplements that are supposed to help ward it off. I dont know if it’ll help but it won’t hurt. That sounds like a cool flight, I’ve never flown in my life..but I want to. I just have nowhere to go lol

June 7, 2012

At least the plane ride was cozy. 🙂