Pain + Me = Bad Combo

Let me start by saying, I AM SICK OF THIS EARACHE! there I said it.

It’s been going on a week now and it’s not getting any better, me and Tommy went to the store the other night and he asked the pharmacist what we can use for an earache she misunderstood what he said and thought he was talking about an 8yr old lol she’s all ” well for an 8 yr old you can give them Tylenol and this and that.” lol he goes no not an 8yr old her lol she then told us about the ear drops which were in the eye care aisle who the hell puts ear care in the eye care aisle?? she then said if the pain was like an ice pick stabbing my ear drum to take ibuprofen or tylenol for the pain and that if the pain didn’t go away in a few days it might be something more I love how they try to freak you out that it might be something morbidly wrong with you, anyway Tommy’s been putting the drops in my ear daily and OMG let me tell you they hurt like no other it’s like sharp shooting pain followed by pressure then a popping feeling it makes my eye twitch and it’s very oily lol but after a while it does help some until it wears off, but when I put that together with the heating pad on my ear it’s like ahhh relief… But all this pain is to the point of putting me in a pissy ass mood I will rip someones head off if given the chance I am not kidding I get to the point I’m so fucking fed up with it that I just want to rip my ear out, it wakes me up during the night and my stomach is so rotted from the Ibuprofen it’s not even funny.

On another note Chris got a drum set today 8-| there goes any hopeful amount of silence I used to have actually I give it a few days he won’t even touch it lol seriously he got a snare drum for Christmas last year and he has touched it maybe 4 times lol. Tom just came in to borrow Tommy’s acoustic guitar guess they’re gonna have a concert going on out there lol he was all excited with a big grin on his face lol.

So last night me and Tommy went to the store to get a few things, well as we turned our corner we BOTH saw this little puppy walking down the side walk in front of our house so Tommy pulled into the neighbors drive way and had me jump out to try and get it so that it didn’t get ran over or anything well I get out and start looking all over for this dog well he’s no where to be found, even Tommy was looking too he just POOF disappeared, Tommy calls him the Ghost dog lol…

I have the miracle of all miracles for getting blood out of clothes even white clothes no matter the color seriously you’ll never throw another thing away from blood stains are you ready??? PEROXCIDE! I’m not kidding it like makes the blood vanish it eats it right up now you see it now you don’t it’s the best ever I cant tell you how many of Haley’s clothes have been saved in the last few weeks lol.

Anyway I better get off her and start my grocery list and dinner making chicken taquitos and fresh guac and rice mmm

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May 22, 2009

I use peroxide for that too! You might need to go to the Dr and get antibiotics…it’s been this it probably won’t go away on it’s own 🙁

May 22, 2009

Yep, peroxide rocks! You should go get that ear thing checked out sweetie.

May 23, 2009

hugs. i hope your ear gets better