NoMoJo #89 (off topic)

I know I missed a day eeeeeeeeeeeeep but in all honesty I just needed some time to myself in my own head..

So I laid in bed last night and watched the last of Crank 2 lemme just say one word… STUPID! omg I was soo not impressed at all, it was like a car crash you don’t want to watch it but you just can’t help it so I watched it through and then I watched Transformers 2 and Charlie came and snuggled with me even had his little puppy head on my pillow and his paws over my arm lol and that’s how we rolled for 2 1/2hrs haha not to leave out Missy who was laying curled up against my legs under the blanket, it was what I needed some snuggly time.

Did I mention I broke my baby toe the other night? yes as Tommy said Again?! I was watching Wall-E with Haley and she wanted me to snuggle with her on the love seat so I went over there to sit on the couch and well my toe kissed the coffee table leg it was no fun but as I sat on the love seat rocking and hold my foot, Haley was all it’s ok just don’t touch it the pain will stop, it’s ok let me see as she very gently tried to look at my toe.. it was cute, but now my toe is broke and all black and yeah. We also watch Hotel for dogs and I will admit I cried… hey don’t judge me! lol

I think I’ll run to Target today, not that I’ll buy anything but just to get out of the house for a bit.

Sorry about my last entry I’ve just been having a rough couple of days or week and ionno sometimes things just get to me and I feel worthless and unloved and just like I’m invisible to some and that really hurts..

Anyway I’m off, have a good day everyone!

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