NoMoJo #2

Do you have any piercings? Where? Do any of your piercings have significant meaning? If you don’t believe in piercing, why not?

Believe it or not I’m actually terrified of needles, all my life my mom had to sit on me when I had to get shots and when I had to get blood drawn my mom would sit on my lap and hold me down while another nurse held my arm and the Dr. drew my blood… other wise as the nurses and Dr’s learned I’d be up and out the door…

With that being said, I actually have 5 piercing at one point I had 6, I have 4 piercings 2 in each ear, and my tongue pierced and one point I had gotten my cartilage pierced but it never would heal even when I put in a small hoop so after almost 6 months of pain and irritation I decided just to let it close up.

My first piercings I got in my ears when I was a baby and as I grew up they piercings became uneven so when I turned 16 my mom took me to get a 2nd piercing to even then out.

When I was around 18 or 19 I had gotten in an argument with my stepmonster about something or other the day prior and when me and my ex best friend went to the mall I thought I’ll show her and got my cartilage pierced lol that made her both angry and made her laugh because being at the age of 17 I wanted to get my eye brow pierced and she threw a fit lol, I was so Gun hoe to do it to my mom said she was cool with it and that was all that mattered lol but once I saw my ex best friend get hers done I was in no way ever going to get mine done LOL.

For my sisters 16th birthday we wanted to do something special together so I paid for us both to get our tongue’s pierced, what a day that was truly a day I’ll never forget lol I still have mine pierced 3yrs later, unfortunately she had to take her’s out when she got her job at Starbucks..

I wouldn’t say I don’t believe in piercings they’ve been around for years upon thousands of years some countries they are considered right of passage. But I do believe there are piercings out there that are just NOT for me lol and ones that are just way out there… I say to each there own if it’s something you want and means something then by all means do it just don’t get to out of control about it lol..

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