NoMoJo #16 ( Introducing! pics )

So here it is past the half way point yay!!!! I hope well I know I’ll continue on with writing because next month is DePhoMo(December Photo Month) wo0o0o0ot!

Write about your hobby/hobbies.. How you got into them. Which of them you are/aren’t good at. What you get out of them.. What type of new hobby/hobbies would you like to try…

Photography: Is my passion of my hobbies, I’ve loved taking pictures of people and just different things but I guess you could say I really took an interest in it when I took photography in high school and I got to develop my own film and process my own photo’s.

Cooking/Baking : How I love theee lol I’ve been cooking for a very long time about 20yrs to be exact maybe a little longer, I’ve always enjoyed it specially making up my own recipes it puts a smile on my face to see others enjoying something I made 🙂 I am an excellent cook 🙂

Crocheting : lol after 4yrs I finally started again I’m still rusty so I’m not AS good at it not like I really was before but I’ve always enjoyed doing it so here we go….

I’d really love to get into sewing clothes as in making them from scratch using a sewing machine ;)…

And finally……

Christian Anthony V.




Brotherly love


My Cousin Christina(mom), Jason(Dad), Justin(brother), Christian, makes for one happy family 🙂 ..



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