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I’m getting tired of blank is for blank lol so yeah………

OMG so last night I had a cinnamon raisin English muffin with peanut butter then I put on a few m&m’s and holy crap it was signing in my mouth and now I’ve been craving it since I woke up lol yeah I’m a weirdo lol.

We have been working on our bedroom ceiling for the past 3 days, we can’t live through another summer or winter with no insulation or luu on to cover it were roasting in here or freezing to death there is no in between, so let me tell you what a bitch it is.

1st day he took down some of the I can’t think of what they are called lol, then we went to home depot and got some 12ft wood beams to replace the ones that were missing and a piece to replace part of the broken beam, then we started pulling out staples not let me explain something here our room including our bed was covered in staples and wood chunks and splinters and dust it was and has not been fun. But it looked a lot nicer and cleaner looking up at night and I even vacuumed the other wood pieces up there but I got very itchy.

2nd day which was yesterday, we started replacing the broken columns and put up the other 2 boards that were missing, that was soo much fun NOT! he’s handing me the 12ft slabs of wood through our bedroom window and I told him at one point to hold on because I have to bring it in diagonal well he like shoves it on in so what happens it knocks the fan down on the floor ugg, I was agitated and was like what don’t you understand about WAIT! rawr.

So today is day 3 and we haven’t done anything yet, he was supposed to go last night and get the insulation but things changed and he didn’t get home until 3hrs later because he had to work on Kelsey and Romeo’s pool pump and take them to walmart n crap so ionno what’s going to go on today, I just know it’s getting hotter and hotter yesterday it was 90 degree’s before 10 am and today it’s already warm in here.

It’s just annoying and I want it to be all done and over with, like YESTERDAY! lol

In other news, I heard a song on the radio yesterday and I was trying to memorize it so I could get it but noooooooooooooooooooooooo I went last night to search for it on imeem and couldn’t remember the damn name of it or the band I was soo RAWRED lol I couldn’t stand it.

Yesterday my day was pretty crappy from working on the cieling, to giving charlie a bath and blow drying him, going and getting the kids, doing homework, cooking dinner, washing 3 loads of laundry and folding and putting it up, washing sink fulls of dishes, then cleaning up this mess tommy made of our room, then putting up the cutting saw he left outside.

Then yesterday while I’m cooking dinner a whole bunch of drama insues, ugg I won’t even get into it lets just say I don’t like lying and I don’t like liars especially when the lies pertain to me and something I didn’t say then people are talking shit and secrets behind my back NOT cool. Anyway that’s over with but it doesn’t mean I’m not miffed by it.

I can’t believe tomorrow is my sisters birthday and she’ll be 19yrs old where has the time gone? I swear it was only yesterday that I thought she was a bean and I could take her home in my happy meal from Mcdonalds LOL now she’s all grown up and working and just yeah makes me feel old…

OH well I guess that’s it from me today.

Ta Ta

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April 21, 2009
April 21, 2009

Ryn: Thanks! She is such a gooood baby!!

April 22, 2009

Oh man, that must be a bitch having your bedroom ceiling worked on. I hope it gets finished really soon! Happy Birthday to your sister! That’s so cute that you thought she was a bean. LOL.

I just noted you on bloop

oh and do check ifyou want my two entries full of pics and videos