I’m still here!

I’ll have to come back and do a real good update, but for now I’ll do bullet points..

  • My mommy and sister came to Vegas and got to meet Tommy and family :D, my poor sister I feel bad didn’t get to do much = , my mom shook Tommy’s hand at the airport cause she didn’t know whether to hug or shake his hand was quite comical and she didn’t hear the end of it either…
  • Dani(Tommy’s sister) got an apartment and her and the boys no longer stay here during the week.
  • Chris and Haley are going to Boston November 3rd-30th and then are supposedly moving there in February.
  • Chris ransacked the tool shed twice, even after Tommy changed the locks back….
  • Chris seems to think that everything of Tom’s is his and not Tommy or Dani, or even Julie..
  • Things have seemed to settle down between Chris, Tommy, And Dani…
  • I got a huge infected spider bite on my arm..
  • I came down with the flu last friday and have been in bed ever since, with a high flash fever, chills, nausea, aches and pains, and now my stomach muscles are killing me and I have a cough and am sneezing joy oh joy. But Tommy took care of me and told me when to take tylenol and tried to make me uncover because I was freezing but was running a high temp, I was living on toast, Sprite, Water, and very little food.
  • Friday before I started getting sick I noticed a spot in the bathroom floor was buoyed(sp) up and later that night when Tommy pulled up the carpet in there and cut a hole in the floor a big cloud of steam shot up come to find out the hot water pipe busted and was leaking under the house it took Tommy, Chris, and Shawn 3 days to fix it, lucky me got to lay in bed through the entire thing.
  • I finished watching all 3 seasons plus 2 episodes of season 4 of Dexter if you don’t watch it you should lol cept season 3 was kind of boring although I slept on and off through it being sick does that to you. I also watch the entire season of nurse Jackie lol.
  • Last night I was taking a shower and didn’t hear Tommy come in the bathroom and he scared the shit out of me I literally screamed like a little bitch haha not to mention this was at 12am..
  • Yesterday was my first day out of bed and I over did it this entire house was like WW3-40 went off in here, I cleaned: the play room, kitchen, NASTY hallway bathroom, Laundry room, Living room, our room, Vacuumed, did 4 loads of laundry 2 of which were towels 16+ of them to be exact, swept and mopped, and then made dinner a delish lasagna which I’ll have to post the recipe.. and then I died and couldn’t breath and hurt everywhere and got in trouble by Tommy and his mom lol.

    I can’t think of anything else I will be back to update hopefully soon with pictures but I must get off of here and write up my grocery list šŸ™‚

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    October 26, 2009

    You haven’t written on Bloop in forever, either! Miss you! Aw!! THat’s great that your mom and sister got to meet Tommy. Cute that she shook his hand. Lol. That sounds like something my mom would do. šŸ˜› Omg. what kind of spider bit you? Did you have to go to the ER? Sorry you had the flu! I hope you are better now. The flu is horrible. I love Dexter!! Last ep I saw was v. suspenseful!

    October 27, 2009

    glad your still kicking