Holy Sh!t cakes!

It is I Angela, lol I live!

I don’t think I’ve really updated since right before my departure in September to take care of my dad after his bladder/cancer removal surgery, that was a very depressing and hard time for me, his round the clock care was very draining and I really rather not get back into that a lot of ups and downs and sets back and steps forward, 4 weeks after his surgery after I had come back from California my dad went back in for another PET scan and they discovered the cancer has spread to his liver. Being that his cancer is severally rare only 1% of people in the world ever get it and it’s very aggressive they said if they hadn’t found it he would have been dead within 2 weeks, this was in September that he found this out while they were beginning his 1st round of 3 rounds of chemo and he failed to give me that bit of information until right after thanksgiving, he just had another PET scan and with the Chemo treatments the cancer is now 50% gone. They did tell us with this type and the severity of it that within the first year they have to watch him super close and it could come back (which it did) and usually it’s very hard to treat… That’s all I know for now about his health because him and my stepmonster are playing games with me.

As for me the major reason for my absent-ism, after I got back from California I went job hunting again which I’ve been doing since well almost 4yrs now lol I filled out an application for the billionth time at Smith’s online and within 4 days I got a call from Smith’s (grocery store) and had an interview THAT day lol, the interview went fa-nominal the woman who interviewed me recognized me cause I’m always in there shopping, there was me and another guy she didn’t know he was there so she interviewed him first then interviewed me, which we talked for almost an hr it was that comfortable the job was for working in the fuel center, and she told me she’d give me a call back she had 2 more interviews, so I waited until the following wensday when she said to call her if she didn’t call me and unfortunately at that time the Assistant Manager had transfered someone from another store, but she said if anything became available she’d call me FIRST because she loved me lol fast forward about a week, I had gone into the store for something I don’t even remember for what and she stopped me and asked if I was still looking for a job I said yes she said that’s great come in tomorrow with your SS card and NV ID and we’ll get all your paper work signed! QUE Happy panic not sure which way to go lol seriously I didn’t know whether to run home or walk in a circle in the middle of the store haha. So on November 9th I became the new Smith’s Fuel Center Clerk and have been working ever since, it’s a very stressful job, and a lot to learn there are always new things to learn, dealing with costumers is oiii some people need to learn manners, patience, and not be rude assholes! not everyone is bad but if they don’t get their discount omgosh look out. Working there has also taught me a lot and has changed me a lot in more ways than one, out of my 3 other co-workers I’ve only had an issue with one of them, and there were some measures to temp fix that lol.. I do love my regulars, I have one married man who always tells me he loves me ROFL!, and my other regulars are just awesome, I’m not a smoker I’ve seriously only smoked 1 cigarette in my entire life, so when I first started I didn’t know any of them lol so I played a game with costumers the tell me which direction to go until I landed on the right one that gained me a lot of friends LOL

Tommy and I have been great! he’s so awesome always making sure I get enough sleep, or that I’m taking care of myself and he brings me lunch and breakfast and occasionally when I close he’ll bring me dinner, everything has completely changed in our relationship we don’t fight anymore, we are always laughing and loving on one another it’s just well life is great lol.

My mom and Sister and Aunt will be down in April and I can’t wait! I’m so excited to see them all 😀

I’m going to start my next goal which will be to lose all the weight I’ve put back on 30lbs in 3 yrs isn’t too bad but not great either it took me a while to work off those 100lbs lol

I’m not sure what else to talk about lol I think I will start that 365 thing but not sure where to get all the topics at I’ve seen a few people doing it guess I should ask them huh? lol

Until later… be good everyone!

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January 29, 2011

Congrats on the job! So glad to hear that things are going well!

January 30, 2011

Holy updating! That never happens! 🙂

May 18, 2011