even a nap won’t drag me away from this reality.

My dads Cancer has spread he has Tumors in his chest now and the chemo has stopped working so the cancer is re-spreading through his liver, they are going to do a cat scan to see if it’s spread to his brain… They will be doing a different type of chemo, if it has spread to his brain then they will do radiation, I can’t bring my self to think about it much or I have a complete melt down.. I hate the fact that he sugar coats everything to me and I have to go my stepmom to get the truth.. The Dr. told them that even with the chemo he doesn’t see the cancer ever going away just being held at bay.. And with his type being so aggressive and rare I just.. Ionno..

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February 26, 2011

🙁 *hugs* Ang, I’m so sorry! Cancer is so horrible. I will keep your dad in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that every day they are closer to finding cures for all the cancers…I really hate it. I hope you are okay.

March 13, 2011

Oh honey, even with this you need to remember that things happen for a reason no matter what age, yes, it’s hard, but I know that you’ll make it through. You’re so strong and I know you can do this, just please don’t go on a killing spree, that would be bad. Love you beautiful, Love, Laura

May 12, 2011

hey girl TFYN: What’s been going on? I dont know how but I missed this entry! I’m so sorry to hear about your dad 🙁