Roses From My Crushes (SHARE)

i’ll be posting one of my most memorable moments in my life ..

only hear @OD


Roses From my Crushes


i thought my (advanced)birthday would be just a normal day for me but it wasn’t..



[ February 12, 2010 ]


Since i was old enough to know what is Rose for to a girl, I was wondering when will I can get one.

I’ve been dreaming a lot of having just a single rose from a boy i have received none. Not even a single rose or even a stem of a rose would any boy dare to give me. I may not be the ‘super beautiful girl in the school’ I am just a plain & simple with a passion for drawing & reading sad love stories & also writing my thoughts which i think is not mostly the type of any kind of boy around the campus.

Since my birthday is right before Valentine’s which both falls on weekend  & which also make the school decided to have it on February 12, 2010 our Valentine’s day and as for me my early celebration for my birthday.

Little did i know my classmates were throwing a big suprise for me. I thought it was a usual day for me, just singing a "Happy Birthday Song" and asking "How old are you now?" ..same old days.. but i was completely wrong..

I had lunched at the cafeteria with my closest friend in the classroom and suddenly we heard a ring from her phone and she took it . Her face was indescribable and she looked very worried and she asked me to go now upstairs in our classroom because my project have been accidentally destroyed and the deadline was after our lunch break…

I went upstairs, I could still imagine myself being pale, sad, worried, and I even starting to cry when I reached the front door. I was really sad that time because I didn’t sleep and ate dinner and gave all the best that i could the project and in just a few minutes it’s been destroyed..

When I reached the front door my heart was heavy and one of my friends named Ronee(boy) was stopping me to go inside.. i was furious and out of balance until he almost hugged me when i almost about to enter…

When I finally been released i was almost crying out for my project until I saw petals of roses which is directing a path & such a romantic ambiance .. when i am directing myself to the path of roses i was shocked when i saw my crushes staring and smiling at me while they were  sitting in a row wherein each of them has roses. 

Each of them came closer to me.. one by one..

i couldn’t hardly speak.. i was shocked.. and my dreams came into reality..

i thought it was just a dream i pinch myself..and it was really real!

The last one who gaved me the rose was my first love and He smile at me and said

"Happy Birthday To You, just stay blooming all the time " as he pinch my cheeks 🙂

It was the extreme yet memorable moment in my life thanks to my very supportive friends

who always fulfills my dream fairytale!!


There were 5 or 4 roses i guess i have received. Its really more than what i’ve asking for in my whole life..

If you really believe in your dream it will really come true someday but you’ll just have to wait patiently..


As my crushes left the room my classmates and I burst out of happiness and they felt romance in the air 🙂

We shout & scream ..i know it’s very sweet traumatic experience for me but i know for sure dreams do come true!

Love, coffeespring2011



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Hey thanks for the note! GOT THE NEW ONE POSTED! The update. lol

Coffeespring, thank yous so much for all your nice notes. 🙂 they brighten up my day. 🙂 lol. Yes, I can tell we are going to be GREAT friends.

Thank you so much! Yes,, Tyler really is an attractive person, and so is samantha, and im really glad to have them on my side. 🙂