if only I could TURN back Time :(

If I Could Only Turn Back time to that magical moment … "The Prom Night" i wouldn’t be so regretful like this!

If i could just only say that 3 words… ahhh!!!! am i really that stupid? am i really not that brave ? am I really that tight-lipped person?

why can’t i face him.. is he my fear? why should i fear my prince?..!!

There’s something that i couldn’t  explain about him.

Let’s just make a codename for  him like : Prince Charming.. because he is -for me.. just don’t argue about the codename i gave..

He was my prince since I was a 2nd year highschool student until now. He was older than me but i am his senior.. kinda funny though…

i’ll just tell my whole love story.. maybe in the next posts..lol ^_^

back to the topic.. i have been regretting since the day of the prom until now…

In the prom i was like an ’emo-like lady..or whatsoever who just sit in the corner and away from the flashes of cams and away from the disco2x party,  Every lovesong was played i would hope that someone could like dance with me but no one ever did.. T.T

in my mind I was like " damn, the night is almost over and i didn’t get a chance to dance"

I was really teary-eyed .. maybe b’coz of the song or no one will EVER dance with me~LOL..

i am so LAME.. hahaha xD

until i just bowed my head and feel depressed T.T *sad*

until a heard a sudden voice near my ear saying

"How are you my girl.. i mean little sister.. Why aren’t you dancing & Why are you so aloone??"

and  i face him and I froze.. a bit.. and answered him with a stuttering voice..

( He was my Prince Charming)

the moment was too perfect.. too perfect that i told him that i wouldn’t dance.

I WOULDN’T DANCE~ these words were the destroyer of my dream come true FAIRYTALE!!!!

and WHY d’ hell i’ve said that????!!! i am really def’ntly S.T.U.P.I.D  xD

as my prince went away .. tears fell down and wondering y i did that.. my dream come true fairytale is at the end of my tongue… and what did i did is just turned it down .. *WHACK*

i cried silently at my corner and no one did notice even my friends… i think they’re busy dancing..

i wipe my tears and waited for the night to end.. i decide with my full heartbeat to go in the dance floor all by myself and to find my friends  .. u can say that i am really allergic –i mean I HATE FLASH in the cams… it annoys me –ALOT.

though there were too many flashes at the dancefloor i didn’t mind.. i just want to find my bffs to tell what just happened..

i was depressed when i didn’t find them.. as i went out the dancefloor i almost fall off b’c my heels were stuck up in a damn hole.. and my friends notices me they went to me an said : "Where’s your prince, shouldn’t u two be dancing?? the night is still young !!"

and i told them what happened.. and they acted as they were my FAIRYGODMOTHERSS.. LOL

They called out ‘Priince Charming’ and he was already at my front and I don’t know what to do..

will i going to hide or just runaway??

none of it was my choice but instead…

my Prince grabbed my hands and led me straightly to the dancefloor and protecting me with those flashes..

* i was shocked, froze, empty-minded*

he taught where to put my hands and he said

" I’ll teach you to dance, u just need to trust and go with me"

i nodded..


The music was perfect… the scene was perfect.. everything is perfect..


i feel the moment being a cinderella ..

 he asked me" Why aren’t you talking to me?"

i answered him with my stuttering voice " uhmm i don’t know.. i’m shy"

Prince: " But why are you shy??"

Me: " b’coz i can’t believe that you are dancing with me right now"

Prince: " but y can’t u believe it?"

Me: "b’coz it only happens in my dreams.. but now it turned it to reality"

he pulled me closer and i was teary eyes..

Prince: " now, can u believe this is true?"

i blushed.. i think he didn’t saw it b’coz it’s dark ..LOL

Me: uhhmm.. yes..

Prince: "So, what do u want to say to me before you go with the graduation or  ?"

i didn’t answer…. answers were all in my mind… but the song did just answer for me:

"I’ve dreamed of this a thousand times before
But in my dreams I couldn’t love you more
I will give you my heart
Until the end of time
You’re all I need, my love, my Valentine"

but he didn’t knew until now…

it just saddens me .coz… i didn’t have another chance to see him and talk to him what i feel

for short– to confess my feelings for him..

but all i know is that he’ll be my forever first love …

i love u … now and forever my Prince


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March 29, 2011

ryn: You’ll like college 🙂 Most people do. I just tend to get really cynical about life sometimes. Also, after you’re in college for a few weeks, you won’t miss high school that much. College is definitely fun and you’ll meet a ton of great people. Take opportunities to get involved on campus! It’s the best way to meet people and do important things. Take time to have some fun though! 😀