Twilight Incohesion

Well, well.  If it isn’t my old friend 4 a.m.  Haven’t seen you in a long while.  How the hell you been?  Really?  I’ve missed that much, huh?  Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve seen more than I’d care to of your brother, 5 a.m. 

Anyway.  Now that the schizophreniac moment is gone…

It’s been quite a long time since I stayed up this late.  Odd, too, because I’ve been awake now for roughly 22 hours.  Y’see, I had to work this morning.  Sometimes I forget there’s a 6 a.m. on Saturday.  Not that I saw it this morning.  Didn’t make it awake until 7…but c’est la vie.  Where was I going with this?  Hell, I don’t even remember.  I think I’ll just halt the shame.  Onward and upward, as Welch says.

Jason and Jenny were in town tonight semi-randomly.  Their birthdays are coming up in the next few days (Jason’s – January 9, Jenny’s – January 10…though born four years apart), so they swooped in for a visit.  It’s always good to just stand around and have a good bullshitting session.  That’s easily what I miss the most about Jason living in Ohio.  We can’t sit around and shoot the shit over a few beers, or whatever.  Well, outside of those Columbus trips.  But those are special occasions, meant for full on shit-face-ed-ness.  Much of the conversations tonight centered on the plans for his wedding coming up in June.  It’s like the actual wedding itself is just a formality.  The reception and after-party is where the excitement is.  It’s going to be the social event of the decade for this family.  And dammit, I can’t wait.  It’ll be a full on hoot and holler.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Tenshi no Yubikiri," the opening theme from His and Her Circumstances…an awesome anime after viewing 21 of 26 episodes, "Combat Baby" by Metric, and "Stricken" by Disturbed

My mom’s birthday was January 2nd.  She had a once in a lifetime event of numerology this year (as my dad also will on February 28th).  She turned the same age as the year she was born in.  In other words, she was born in 1953 and turned 53 this year.  Pointless trivia…where would I be without it?  Probably less smart-seeming.

I’m not going to be much longer for working at Sears.  They’s is pissing me off.  I’m basically working two jobs there still, and it’s worse now because of hour cutbacks.  So now there’s always only one other dude running pickups (which is never, ever enough).  Which means I end up helping with that more than I do the job I’m supposed to do before all else…my own job.  I get yelled at for helping with pickups, but then get yelled at for not helping with them.  I get yelled at when my job suffers.  But no one is willing to offer an actual solution.  God forbid the problem be solved by, oh, I dunno…scheduling more than two people for an entire day (one to open, one to close).  Nevermind that I don’t make enough money there.  I was going to give them an ultimatum of "gimme a raise and/or make me full time or I walk," but I’m just going to skip that shit now.  Even just working my own job isn’t worth what they pay me.  It’s a 100% thankless job that’s only paid attention to when I perform poorly, or if my area just looks like shit.  But when I only spend an hour or two there a day of the six I work…well…you do the math.

Of course, if I knew what the fuck I wanted to do with my life…this would all be much easier.  I have ideas.  Just need to find ways to go about cracking in.  And ways to make more money in the meantime.

Here’s hoping Vince Young decides to leave Texas now that they’ve won a national championship….  That would put the Titans in the best spot in the NFL Draft (pick #3) instead of the worst spot.

And may I brag about picking all the BCS bowl games correctly, as far as who would win.  Most people would’ve been split on USC-Texas, and maybe Ohio State-Notre Dame, but no one that I know of but me picked West Virginia to beat Georgia.  Before the game started, I turned to C.J. and said, "You watch.  West Virginia will beat Georgia."  He looked at me like I was on some serious crack.  And I was right, of course.  Naturally, I had no real reason for why I chose West Virginia.  Just a gut feeling.  Sometimes, that’s all it takes.

A couple of days ago, I had something serious in mind I wanted to type about….but I can’t remember it now.  Probably has something to do with the exhaustion.  Yeah.  Definitely has something to do with that.

Been watching a lot of soccer lately.  Fox Soccer Channel has been showing tons of English Premiere League games.  Like one a night, at least.  The sport at nearly its zenith.  This summer is the peak.  That’s when the World Cup is on.  I impatiently wait for it to roll around every four years.  Then I proceed to watch every single fucking game of it.  And this year will be no exception.

Now that the NFL playoffs are underway, I’ll revise my Super Bowl pick, considering neither team I picked at the beginning of the year made the playoffs (Ravens and Falcons….yeah, I know….I suck).  Considering the field carefully (meaning without really thinking), I’ll take the Bears and the Steelers.  I’ll repeat what I said when I picked it the first time.  Anyone but the Colts.

At this point, I’m pretty close to having completely nothing left.  My brain is trying to crash and take me down with it.  So I better play along and just go sleep.  For now.  What the fuck am I even talking about?  If anyone knows, feel free to wake my ass up and tell me.  Because I musta made a wrong turn and Albequerque…or however the fuck you spell that.  That’s how you know I’m really tired.  I’m too lazy to check for a possible unintentional spelling error.  Let me outta here…


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