This is Work? Yeah, Write…

I’ve come to be in a bit of a pickle…the kind that there never really is a right answer to.  Since we all know I have pretty much no personal relationships, then, obviously, this is about work.  It goes a little like this (complete with slight backstory because, c’mon….it’s me, there’s always backstory):  Ever since I came out of my mental, emotional, and psychological hibernation a few months ago, I’ve known I needed to get a different job.  More accurately, I need a job that pays better.  With the current rate of pay and hours I work, I’m scraping by with the slimmest of margins to spare.  And not to mention the fact that my education is going to waste (a fact not lost on any of my parents, by the way).  And that I’m capable of doing better things than working at freaking Sears.  But I just find myself not wanting to leave.  And I know that comfort level has a ton to do with it.  I mean, in a couple of weeks, this will be the first job I’ve ever held down for a year solid.  I at least want to make it to that mark, just because I view it as some sort of milestone.  But it’s more than that which keeps me from leaving.  I like it there, y’know?  My job is about as far from demanding as there is.  I can just be sitting at my desk, staring at my computer screen, and anyone would think I’m working hard, because no one else in the store knows how to do my job.  Not even a clue.  Today, for example, I was writing (I’ll come back to this) at my desk.  A few different times, people poked their heads in my door and thought nothing of this.  They assumed I was doing paperwork.  And not to mention the six to seven hour work days.  Add into that….I’ve been making my own schedule lately, so I can show up whenever I feel like it (in other words, I make the schedule up as I go…if I don’t want to go in one day, I don’t…it just becomes a day off, and no one questions me).  So, like, if I wanted to work a double shift tomorrow and again on Saturday, then take off Thursday and Friday….I could.  And no one would care, because I’m barely noticed.  So long as my numbers are good, it is assumed I’m getting along just fine, and I’m left alone.  And none of this takes into account that I really like most of the people I work with.  All the guys who work in the stockroom (most of us have been there for at least about a year) are cool.  I occasionally will hang out with them outside of work, which, until this job, was always a no-go.  The managers all seem to like me, the rest of the people who work in the store during the day (with the exception of some of the salesmen, who I give a lot of shit for the way they screw things up for my numbers) seem to like me just fine, too.  They’re amazed at how little I complain about things, so, to them, I’m just the greatest thing ever.  So….I don’t know.  There’s going to come a time very soon where I will have to get another job.  That’s inevitable.  It’ll come down to simple economics.  I basically can’t afford to live like I am (which is by no means as a prince, nor as a pauper….yet) for too much longer.  I guess what I’m trying to say is……..I need to be paid better.

Now that that crap is outta the way…….time to move on.

As I mentioned in the work rant, I’ve been writing again lately.  I started out writing a bunch of stuff down for my RPG story idea (which is still a fantastic idea, and it gets better everytime I think of something new), but in the last few days I’ve gone back to working on the story I started last year after Will moved to KC.  I’ve put about an extra ten pages on it in the past three or so days (all this being done at work, of course).  I may yet finish it.

As a refresher to that story…

It starts out with an almost exact retelling of the scene in the parking lot the night Will and Mo left to move him to KC.  It was as best as I can remember, for the most part, anyway.  And, of course, there’s some embellishment, just to make it smoother than it actually was.  And internal dialogue, too, which helps.  From there it goes into a reality based fictional tale of the relationship of Darin (supposed to be me, of course) and Ayme (supposed to be Mo, of course).  There’s  alot of truth in it, but there’s just as much stuff completely made up in it.  I guess I’m saying that I used the experiences to fashion a pretty good tale of love and (eventual…because I haven’t made it quite that far just yet) heartbreak.  Real events in the framework of a fictional story.  Yeah, there’s the description I’ve been trying to make this whole paragraph.  Maybe at some point I’ll type a bit of it and post it.  Who knows with me anymore.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "The Tease" by Evans Blue, "Ice Cream" by Sarah McLachlan, and "Real Mutha Phukkin’ G’s" by Eazy-E (I listened to that CD at work today….man, now that took me back to childhood…)

There’s some kind of small lump floating around in the area where my left earlobe connects to my head.  It’s small, it hurts like hell when I touch it, but it isn’t the first time it’s happened.  I’ve always wondered what the hell it is.  I used to figure it for some loose cartilage, but that just doesn’t really make much sense.  The odds of me going to a doctor about it?  One in twelve billion….billion….billion….trillion.  Whatever number that is.

With the NCAA tournament starting tonight (though no one really counts 64 vs. 65, do they?), it is time I made public the teams I have chosen to doom by selecting them for my Final Four.  They are:  West Virginia, UCLA, UConn, and Ohio State.  I have UCLA beating OSU in the finals.  So, if you’re a fan of any of these teams, and they get beaten early… you know who to blame.

I’m struggling with Grandia III.  The story blows more than tornado season in Oklahoma.  The battle system is decent, but not outstanding.  And the game is short.  I just know it is, because I’ve played it for 26 hours….and I’m well into disk 2.  Keep in mind that this is a PS2 game.  Not many PS2 games have two discs.  In fact, the only other one I can think of off the top of my head is Star Ocean 3, and it was way longer than this, and had tons more to do when you beat it (Grandia III has nothing to do when you beat it….no bonus dungeons, no "New Game+" option…nothing).  I plan to beat it soon so I can move on to something else more enrapting.  I just don’t know what yet.  Perhaps more writing instead.  Or reading.  Who knows.

And it is upon that note that I shall bail out.  Why?  Because I’m lazy and can’t think of a damn other thing to write about right now.  Either that or I’m thirsty.  That is a mystery for another time….like, as soon as I save this thing.  Yeah….I really need to shut up now.


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