The Man Comes Around Again

So, as is tradition around here, it’s been about 4 and a half years since last I wrote.  It’s also been over 20 goddamn years that this diary has existed.  For several years, it existed vibrantly, with basically an entry a day.  But, really, for the majority, it’s been a desolate wasteland of nothingness…a monument to a few moments in time of a life lived then.  So what now?

I feel like I want to resume daily writing as an exercise.  It could just be that I’ve been in my own head a LOT lately.  Could be a genuine desire to get back to connecting with the daily dumping of activities, feelings, thoughts, whatever, whatever, whatever.  I’m legitimately unsure about that.  I also don’t want to just hop in here and do the standard old “here’s what I’ve been up to” updates.  That shit…well….that shit is too big to condense down.  There’s really about a 10+ year period with minimal update.  I can’t do any of that justice in a single little update, no matter how long I go on for.

It’s funny.  This past week or so I’ve spent a fair amount of time reconnecting with things that I enjoyed in the then times.  But it isn’t even necessarily the then times that are chronicled in this diary.  Some of it is, but hell, those are things I always come back to:  Godzilla, Gamera, PS2 Tales of… games N64 Wrestling games, my comic book collection, you know…just the hits, man.  Except now it isn’t just me doing those things with my best friend or by myself.  It’s me doing those things with my youngest son (OQ, 8).

Side Note:  I cannot even begin to fathom the reaction of May 1, 2001 me if you told him that January 17, 2023 me was a married (for over 12 years!) father of two.  He’d have shat himself where he stood.

The point I was trying to make is…well…I’m not even entirely sure.  Midlife crisis incoming?  Heh, I don’t think it’s that.  I think it’s just that I am in desperate need of a way and place to dump out my brain daily because I don’t really have a way to do it otherwise.  I’ve never, ever, EVER been comfortable with spilling any and all of my thoughts out to anyone.  Literally no one.  Not my best friend of 35+ years, not my wife/companion of 15+ years, not my kids of 11 and 8, not my parents….nobody.  So that’s what we’ll do here.  For the most part.  That’s the goal.

Currently Playing on My Mental Jukebox:  “Fake Rich” by Rivals, “Sunflower” by Post Malone (OQ got me into this one, of all things), and “Theme Music” by Professor Elemental

Continuity:  This time I remembered to use a computer keyboard!  Previous entry in 2018 me would be proud.  And wonder where I got one.

There’s a bit of a weight lifted off my shoulders just with the simple act of typing here.  It’s nice.  I feel…good.  We’ll see how this goes for the next little bit and hopefully just stick with it.  If so, then you can expect the stories of then and now.  There’s so much to discuss, and yet, I feel I have so little to say.  Thanks for that, brain!

And, as always, we end the entry with a hearty…


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