The Halloween Scrooge

Welp, for the second year in a row, here I sit on Halloween night doing my best to hide my presence from potential trick or treatin’ little bastards.  It’s funny that I would be "that guy" considering how much I always loved the holiday as a kid.  I guess that’s just even further proof that people do, indeed, change.  The memories of running all around Woodvale as a kid, gathering up tons of candy and causing all sorts of general low-level mischief, come flooding back to me from time to time.  Years spent dressing up as a pirate, a hobo, and, best of all, Death Incarnate (y’know, the Grim Reaper?).  The Death costume was great.  And easy, too.  Hard plastic skull mask, black robe with a hood, black shoes, crappy plastic scythe.  Yep.  I loved being Death.  Best I remember, that was a lucrative year for candy collection as well.  Nothing like the year I tried to be Batman.  That was a bad candy year because I was with my mom, whose neighborhood barely had people who gave out candy.  In Woodvale (which was my dad’s neighborhood back then), Halloween was an event.  It was easily the busiest neighborhood in Gallatin every year.  As far as I know, it still is.  Ever since we moved away from it, I don’t dare drive back there on this night.  It’s like trying to get to a buffet through a crowd of offensive linemen…it just ain’t happening.  As I think about it….Halloween is truly a child’s holiday.  As an adult (which some would say I still haven’t become yet….and they’re about half right…), you just don’t care as much.  At least I don’t.  I’ve turned into a Halloween Scrooge.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Tell Me" by Dropping Daylight, "You Fight Me" by Breaking Benjamin, and "Calling All Cars" by Senses Fail (I bought this CD for Shera because she loves them and she just kept going on and on about this song, so I caved and have listened to it a few times… ain’t bad, I guess….catchy if nothing else).

I just turned on my air conditioner.  That should never happen the last night of October.  I fucking hate how winter…no….even just autumn…..comes later and later every single fucking year.  Damn you global warming (globalwarmingmayormaynotactuallyexist)!!!!

After a large number of years, well…okay, so it’s only actually about four, I’ve gotten so pissed off at Verizon Wireless that I paid my way out of my contract with only about six months left on it.  Those mother fuckers had gotten me up to a bill of $650.19.  Yes, you did read that right.  Now, I’m not going to claim total innocence in this.  Not at all.  I will admit to about $400-$450 of it being my fault.  But what about the other $200?  A total mystery.  I think it goes back to when I drooled into my phone and had to order a new one.  That was when the mystery extra amount jumped in there.  But I’m done with those fuckers now.  My dad helped me pay that shit completely off.  So, yesterday on my lunch break, I signed my ass up with Sprint……..which was what I had originally wanted to do those few years ago.  Living in the middle of BFE kind of made that impossible at the time.  I figure that, even though my entire (ENTIRE) family is on Verizon, I never talk to them during daytime hours.  Seriously, for the past year, at least, the only people I’ve ever talked to on the phone before 7pm during the week have been Will, Shera, and Augie.  So now two of those will be free (with Shera obviously being the biggest, considering our constant talking…..seriously, we talked the entire day in some form, be it text messaging, actual phone calls, or in person for a while….who says I need to be productive at work?).  My dad told me it was a genius idea.  That makes me glad (not to mention proud of myself) since my dad always has been and always will be the smartest person I know.

My brother is pissed off at me because I won’t be going up to Columbus for the Ohio State-Michigan game on November 18.  I just flat out can’t afford it, though.  Quite frankly, I don’t know how he does, then again, he doesn’t have as long of a trip as I would.  Still, though….

"…something tells me love isn’t enough, but how can that be…"

"This is how….this is how it’s gonna eeeeeeennnnnnnnnd…"

"If I’m….away….from you….long enough to make….you cry….at least….you feel something…"

"Promise me you’ll try….to leave it all behind….’cause I’ve elected hell….lying to myself…..why have I gone blind?….live another life…..yooooouuuuu…."

"…I get nervous, perverse…when I see her it’s worse…"

"I feel my heart tickin’ away like a clock…."

Ah, yes.  Another round of quote mongering.  That pretty much came out of nowhere.  Go figure that shit.  It’s sometimes hard for me to believe that I would keep stacks upon stacks of notecards with nothing but movie quotes and song lyrics on them.  If I had the time, or, more importantly, the caring, I would start doing it again.  But that’s not gonna happen.  As for now, though.  I must go.  I have to remove my costume and prepare for the end of the night.  What was I dressed up as?  Someone who gives a fuck.  And I wasn’t very convincing.


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