The Final Straw

Sometimes, I’m just too nice.  Especially at work.  Well, after Saturday night, that ends.  Pretty much for good.

It was bad enough Friday night.  I mean, I was supposed to have the day off, as per usual.  Wednesday when I came in, I saw I was written in to work Friday night on the schedule.  Having to come in didn’t piss me off (reason:  one of the other guys was graduating from technical school).  No, what got me was that no one bothered to ask me if it was okay.  What if I was doing something uncancelable?  And it didn’t help that I was saddled with Barb, the boss, as a working partner Friday night.  She’s a schizo when it comes to what she tells you to do.  You never get a chance to finish what you start because she always wants to move on to something different, but then complains when the first thing isn’t done and accuses you of slackin’ off.  So I had to deal with that.

Turn the page to Saturday…

I knew there was a good chance that my co-worker for the night wasn’t coming.  He was helping his best friend’s mother move (and getting a free washer and dryer out of the deal).  I wasn’t going to blame him if he didn’t show.  Which he didn’t.  As soon as the clock hit three, the other two guys working left (as per the schedule).  Here’s where I start getting pissed.  They both knew he wasn’t likely to come as well.  Yet, neither offered me any help.  Y’know, that thing I offer to any of them I can.  Someone complaining about working alone?  I’ll stick around.  Someone need to leave early?  No problem, I’m cool with that.  I need someone, anyone to help me work on a Saturday night (the busiest night of the week)?  ::crickets chirping::  Nothing.  Not a fucking thing.  And I let every single person I ran across all night, be they customer, salesperson, manager…whoever…that I was pissed off.  I’m having to tote around and load up all manner of shit that one person just shouldn’t.  Washing machines, 45" TV and stand, fucking lawn tractors, whatever.  By the end of the night, I was so fucking pissed off that I was pacing in the aisles in the stockroom just to keep from snapping on/at someone.  Not happy.  Not happy at all.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Stricken" by Disturbed, "Calling" by Taproot, and "Brackish" by Kittie

It wasn’t all bad Saturday night, though.  After work, I went over to my mom’s house to have visit with a few people I hadn’t seen in just way too fucking long.  For a very brief day and a half, Jenny (the rarely seen sister), Jason (the older brother), and Britney (Jason’s once met finacee) were in town.  Naturally, we spent pretty much the entire night just sitting and bullshitting, considering that’s always what we do when we’re all together (including C.J., the youngest of us all…at 20).  It was almost dawn before I made it back home Sunday morning.

And I had to wake up to what had to be the worst performance I’ve ever seen.  34-7?  I knew the Titans were going to have a tough year, but Jesus H. Christ!  That was just fucking terrible.  Couldn’t cover, couldn’t tackle, couldn’t score.  Just pathetic.  I knew it was going to be a long season, but fuck.  It’ll never end if all the losses are that bad.  I forsee a 6-10 season.  7-9 at best.  I also forsee a Ravens vs. Falcons Super Bowl.  Anyone but the Colts.

Underworld:  Evolution is slated for a January, 2006 release.  Is it too early for me to start a countdown?  I guess it’s actually too late, since even mentioning it seems like it is a countdown.  Who knows.  I just wanna see this damn movie.

To end, I finally get to give my personal review of Godzilla:  Final Wars, the 50th Anniversary film, and supposedly the last Godzilla film for about a decade.  I watched it late last week after…ummm…ummm….::coughdownloadingitcough::.  So, yeah.  Like I said, I saw it last week.  There weren’t any subtitles, so I had to guess at the majority of the Japanese dialogue (there actually was quite a bit of English dialogue, thanks to some American "actors" in the movie).  But since the plot, like in most Godzilla movies, was shallow at best, it wasn’t hard to keep up.  Aliens come to Earth, act friendly, then unleash their monster horde in an attempt to take over.  A handful of Earthlings of various backgrounds release Godzilla to kill the monsters, then they go stop the aliens.  The end.  In a rather surprising departure from the classic kaiju movie, Toho contracted Ryuhei Kitamura to direct Final Wars.  The guy is an utter genius with style.  The other movies of his that I’ve seen are very flashy and just very cool.  He has an eye for action, and an ear for the proper music to fit a scene.  All that said, the movie is pretty mediocre.  As a monster movie, it’s middling.  What monster action is there is flat out amazing…there just isn’t very much of it.  Considering the double-digit in number cast of monsters, This is hard to forgive.  There are nearly as many human fighting scenes, and those are given longer treatments than most of the monster fights.  So I guess it can be called a tantalizing preview of what will hopefully be to come when next a Godzilla movie is made.  I think it was of decent quality, but I still wish Masaaki Tezuka (director of the last three movies, vs. MegaGuirus, vs. Mechagodzilla, and Tokyo SOS) would’ve been given the chance to make this one.  He’s earned the right.  Hopefully, he’s who they tab for the directors chair when they revive the series in seven or eight years.

In short…when the DVD comes out, I’ll buy it.  It’s fucking Godzilla.  Of course I’ll buy it.

And I guess after all that, it’s time I shut up.  I should probably get to bed, considering I need to get up in about five hours.


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