The Bite is Only the Beginning

This is going to end up being just a little bit of a cop out kind of entry.  I’m too lazy right now to want to get into what all has been going on wit’ me, though it really ain’t all that much, honestly….still just training for the new job, basically.  Nope, instead, this is just going to be me showing off that my creativity ain’t quite dead just yet.  I wrote this last night, and I happen to think it’s god damn brilliant.  And I never say that.  Don’t worry, though….it’s not long at all.


The bite comes down so hard that it easily pierces the soft flesh and draws blood.  He’s never felt a pain like this in the entirety of his life, except that he’s completely ignoring it.  The blood streaming out from between his lips and down his chin is going unnoticed.  The curtain of darkness quickly falls over his eyes as he flails away at nothing but the air.  In the midst of his hyper-kinetic gesticulations, something as red as blood, but not blood, flies through the air, and shatters against the wall…his only defense from making it all worse.  He continuously marks the same path with new footsteps, though he really can’t help it.  The sudden flood of energy has made him like a wild animal hopelessly and helplessly trapped behind the invisible steel bars of a prison built with his own hands.  From all directions, he hears voices telling him what he should do…

In a flash, he stops flailing, though he is still blinded.  His arms drop lifelessly to his side, a stark contrast to his furiously heaving chest.  His breaths become as heavy and loud as the winds of a typhoon.  And the blood still trickles from his mouth.  There is a severely pronounced dichotomy at work:  calm stillness and raging momentum.

He twists the cap back onto the ever-expanding bottle…….and the blindness lifts, the blood dries, the typhoon gives out, and the perpetual motion halts.

And all is well again.


See?  I told you it was good (and you see there, I just straight up assumed you liked it….how nice of me, eh?).  Please, please…hold all your applause until I’ve left the stage.  Speaking of which….that’s going to happen riiiiiiiiiiggghhhht…….NOW!


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