The Art of Storytelling

If you’ve read this lime green and black corner of the internets for any length of time, you know that I always manage to find new ways to get myself into some kind of dramatic mess or another in new, imaginative, and almost always unintentional ways.  For once, though, I am merely just kind of playing Monkey in the Middle.  I mean, people are arguing about me, but not with me, really.  Pretty much, what it comes down to is that all the people closest to me are in disagreement.  It happens.  And, as with most things anymore, it can all be tied back to me.  Yeah, that’s right.  In ways that none of them even realize, I’m the cause of it all.  And at the root of it all is the way I tell stories….by which I mean, the way I relate events to others.  Be it in this space, or over the phone, or how-the fuck-ever….my storytelling methods and timing are at the root of this.

To explain…

All the stories of my past that I’ve related to Shera have been told completely based on fact.  That is, I told her everything the exact way it went down, to the letter.  That’s just how I do.  Of course, it’s always the tale of how things went down from my point of view, which is, inherently, skewed.  I mean, y’know, that’s obvious since I was in the middle of it and all.  But the point I’m trying to get at here is this:  All the stories of my past that I tell I can relate with knowing all points of view because I’m telling them to Shera well after the fact…..well after it has all been discussed between myself and the other parties involved.  In other words…I know the other person’s point of view.  They have, at some point, laid it out for me, and I’ve come to see things from their side as well.  And so I tell these stories of my past in such a fashion.

Now here’s where the problem comes in…

There have been tons of stories recently that I’ve told to others about Shera.  Quite a few of these stories have caused a great deal of outrage amongst the people closest to me.  Whether it be because they think I’m being treated badly, or because I’m being an idiot for letting some things keep happening to me.  Or that I’m retarded for thinking certain consequences are my own fault.  Whatever.  Now then…  Here’s the catch:  The stories I’ve related about Shera have been solely from my own point of view.  The things that have outraged people are the events of the stories, and then my recanting of them after I do get her side of things.  In other words….I’m causing all this shit because I’m telling the stories of things that happen between Shera and I too fast.  I don’t wait until I’ve heard her side…I just vent my side.  And so that’s where the problems come in.

Anyone who disagrees….oh well.  It’s what I think is true.  No, that’s not it.  It’s what I KNOW is true.  And that’s all there is to it.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "You Fight Me" by Breaking Benjamin, "So I Thought" by Flyleaf, and "Chasing You" by Nural

And that’s all there is.


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