That Time of the Month

Heh…"That Time of the Month."  Sorry.  It’s been a month since I wrote in here, so it felt like a hilariously, strangely appropriate title.  What can I say?  I’m ferkin’ weird that way.  Duh.  Anyway…  Much has been going on, I must say.  Developments?  You betcha.  On just about every front.  Time to dive right in!

Last time out,  there were tons and tons of thinly veiled references to some major thing going on in my life.  And there was.  Of course, it’s all said and done now.  And it’s a damn good thing I was able to keep my mouth shut about it, too.  For it seems I’ve finally learned that lesson.  I mean, let’s face it….I’ve been really bad about speculating about what someone else is thinking in relation to me, or what is going on with someone as it relates to me, and damn near ruined friendships over it.  So this time I managed to keep my mouth shut until there was a chance to work it out face to face.  And that’s what happened.  Shera and I had fallen into a state of being angry all the time with each other and basically weren’t talking.  And I wasn’t sure if we’d ever start again.  Which, of course, we did.  Now?  Things are fine as ever.  We’re back to talking a couple times a day, hanging out when we can.  We’re also apartment hunting.  Yes, that’s right…..we’re going to try the massive experiment of living together merely as friends.  Seeing how crazy her family is driving her, and how broke she is because of how much driving she has to do because of school and work in proximity to where she lives (and it’s a metric ton), I half-jokingly floated the idea of moving in together with me taking on the vast majority of the financial responsibility.  Quickly, it became a very serious idea.  To the point that we are definitely going to do it.  And, yes, we’ve discussed all the potential issues that could come up.  We’re not idiots here.  We both realize that this is going to be the best thing for her for so many reasons.  For me?  I’m doing this strictly for her benefit.  It’s the satisfaction of doing a grand deed for someone who so badly needs something to go right with her life, as seemingly nothing has done so thus far.  I’ve told her repeatedly that I expect nothing in return from her (except to hold up her smaller end of the bills, of course), and that there’s no ulterior motive behind all this.  So far, I think she might be the only one who believes that.  And, if nothing  else for me………it will get me moved out of my roach infested hole in the ghetto.  It isn’t a major motivation for me, but it doesn’t hurt either.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukeox:  "The Light Before We Land" by The Delgados, "Breath" by Breaking Benjamin, and "Breathe" by Kittie

Now, on to the work front…..

I’ve grown more comfortable at work.  Somewhat, anyway.  I don’t hate the job as vigorously anymore, and I don’t dread it really anymore, either.  But I’m far from loving it.  I’m drawn to the troubleshooting parts of it, whereas I abhor the sales part of it.  Given this, I’m being recruited to possibly move up in the world to the Support Desk, which is basically the Level 2 tech support.  I’m pretty sure it’d come with a small raise, and perhaps a different schedule.  But what’s nice is that several people have recommended me for it.  My (now former) supervisor Ithamar, my trainer Craig, and one of the senior reps who gave us help in Transition, Jeff.  They all told the Support Desk supervisor I’d be great for the job.  So, hey, maybe there’s some sunshine on the horizon after all.

And, for now, I suppose that’s it.  Perhaps I’ll return in far less than a month to keep the ball rolling.  We shall see, as only time will tell.  And other various cliches like that.


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