

I think I might be slightly overdue.

There really isn’t much to say about my over a month long hiatus.  Just kind of disaffected.  I seem to grow ever more distant, or at least I think I do, until small circumstances try to draw me out.  What I do know is that I’ve become a pretty unemotional person.  I don’t feel much anymore.  Whether that’s intentional or not, I know not at this time.  Time tends to get away from me in large chunks.  Since I last wrote, it doesn’t seem like so much time has passed.  I guess the ways I fill it don’t lend themselves to fantabulous memories.  Whatever.  I enjoy most of what I do these days.  Lately, that’s involved watching a ton of hockey.  I finally got to be emotionally involved in the NHL playoffs this year, as the Nashville Predators made it in for the first time in their (exceedingly brief) history.  Sure they lost to Detroit in 6 games in round 1, but I could care less…I didn’t think the series would go that long.  So now I get to revert back to the mostly impartial observer I usually am this time of year.  The hockey playoffs are second only to the World Cup in my rankings of “Best Spectator Sport.”  In fact, I’ve been held so rapt by some of these games, I actually cut short what shoulda been a long email to Mo a few nights ago because intermission ended.  I’m so pathetic…

Going back to the unemotional thing for a few minutes…  It’s like there isn’t really too much I care about these days.  Even less so as far as people are concerned.  In the past month, I’ve kept up with fewer people than I ever have before…or so it would seem.  In truth, I’ve been forced to be a lot more socially involved at work (thanks to new duties…I’ll go over that later), and from that has come some shedding of the total separation I was doing.  It’s a slow process that only I can work with, which means it’ll probably end up getting stopped about halfway knowing me, but at least it’s happening.  But it seems like things don’t really bother me anymore.  Just ask Pygmyrs.  The last time I opened my mouth in her direction was about three months ago, I guess, and when she gave her single line final goodbye to me in here, I didn’t even flinch.  Just didn’t care.  Have yet to care.  There was a time, not so long ago even, where I would’ve struggled and fought and everything just to keep the dying corpse that was our friendship alive.  Even if I knew it was for the better that it ended, I would’ve tried anyway.  That obviously isn’t me anymore.  Maybe it was just her…I can’t really say for sure.  But I think you get my point.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  “Cold Heritage” by Lacuna Coil, “Fateful Confrontation” composed by Michiru Ohshima (from the Godzilla vs. Megaguirus soundtrack), and “A Current Obsession” also by Lacuna Coil (I just got their old “Unleashed Memories” CD a few days ago, and I’ve listened to it tons of times since…it’s actually better than the next CD, “Comalies,” which says something coming from me).

Saw quite a few movies in my time away from ‘ere, too.  Here’s some really short reviews.

Hellboy – Same shit, different day.  The comic book movie now has an established formula, and this movie followed it to a very boring “T.”  It had potential, for sure, but any movie that can make Rasputin seem so lame isn’t doing something right.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – Fan-fucking-tastic.  Jim Carrey proves more than ever how great of an actor he can be.  No over the top stuff here.  Just quiet and subtle.  Kate Winslet is great, too.  She’s very hot with blue hair.  Enid from Ghost World hot.  Again, that says something coming from me.  This movie better damn well get remembered at Oscar time.

The Matrix Revolutions – Ugh.  This movie was just as bad, if not worse, than I feared it would be.  Thank God it was free to watch (Will borrowed it from his sister).  Just as incomprehensible as Reloaded, but for different reasons.  I can’t tell you how many times I found myself asking “How/Why the fuck did that happen?”  That’s never a good sign.

Jersey Girl – A little sappier and more cliche than I was hoping for, but it doesn’t take away from it too much.  Kevin Smith gives it just enough uniqueness to keep it from being total schlock.  George Carlin once again proves he is God by turning in a great dramatic performance as Ben Affleck’s dad.  It won’t happen, but I hope he gets remembered at Oscar time, too.

At work, my job has been expanded for various reasons.  The biggest one is because I wasn’t doing shit.  Literally nothing.  I was down to four students.  So it was decided that I should be trained in the very fine art of running our office’s testing center.  The lady who usually runs it has a ton of Administrative Leave days to take off, so it’s pretty much been in my hands for the last week and a half.  I’m pleased to admit that I have yet to fuck it up, though with finals coming up next week, I’m sure I’ll still get the chance.  I say this in jest because the job is really easy once you get the hang of it.  Kind of like pretty much anything else in life.

I was all set to vote for John Kerry in November a few months ago.  After watching him kind of closely, I’ve decided I can’t vote for him either.  He waffles as much as I adjust my glasses, which is quite often.  Not good.  Knowing there’s no way in fucking hell I’ll vote for Bush, I find myself at a loss.  The “Lesser of Two Evils” shit isn’t nearly as appealing to me as it was a couple months ago.  Now I’m thinking I’ll end up voting Socialist, just because.  Bush is an Incompetent and a Liar, and Kerry is Typical Polictician (which, in my book, is just as bad, if not worse).  Maybe I’ll just copy the movie Brewster’s Millions and vote “None of the Above.”  I’d rather not choose between two asshats.

After the Boston Marathon this weekend, I can safely say that my favorite analogy still holds true.  Nothing I ever do will be as funny as, “my nose is running like a Kenyan in a marathon.”  Kenyans won the Boston Marathon in both the men’s and women’s divisions.  As Homer Simpson once said, “It’s funny because it’s true.”

I guess that’s about it.  I’m too tired to go read tonight.  I’ll do it later.

“Joel, I’m not a concept. Too many guys think I’m a concept or I complete them or I’m going to make them alive, but I’m just a fucked up girl who is looking for my own peace of mind. Don’t assign me yours.”


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April 20, 2004

lol, “my nose is running like a Kenyan in a marathon” thats great! reminds me of the seinfeld episode when that runner came to stay w/ elaine to run the marathon and her alarm didn’t work and he overslept. good stuff, glad you wrote again. speaking of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, jim carrey was just on the ellen degeneres show, gotta love jim carrey! 🙂

April 29, 2004

Good to hear from you again, beloved Jester. Hockey is a personal favorite of mine, as well. You gotta love it. I’ve missed you, you know. Okay, I could have called, but I figured you were really busy and couldn’t be bothered, even by the queen of everything. I’ll talk to you soon. Love until later,