
So, here I stand 5 days past the 8th anniversary of this diary’s existence, and 13 months since I last graced this space with some of my trademark mental word vomit.  Leave it to me to title an entry A Fitting End, only to come back later.  To my own credit, though, I did leave that door open.  So, y’know, no one can tell me this is entirely unexpected.  Not that anyone who has ever read any of this mess before is going to be reading it now.  I would imagine any and all readers from days gone by have since moved exclusively to MySpace or Facebook or Blogspot or some other such place.  Me?  I have a MySpace that I never really pay attention to.  I have no use for a Facebook because it’ll just get ignored, too.  I have a Blogger account, but have never actually commited words to it past a title.  Twitter?  Don’t even get me started.  No one gives a fuck what I’m doing or thinking in short bursts.  Besides, I’m too goddamn wordy for that.  Anyone who’s ever listened to me talk about something I enjoy for more than 5 minutes could see that.  Even Stevie Wonder.

Of course, the question is begged:  Why have I come back?  Well, that’s not really so terribly easy to answer I don’t think.  Maybe it is, and I’m just too stupid to know it, but what I think it boils down to is this:  I need somewhere to dump out my brain.  This is a place that I feel confident that it won’t be found by those I am intending to keep it away from.  It’s the one place that the people I know now either never knew about or have long since forgotten about.  Me?  I never forgot.  More than a couple of times I came back here over the last year to remind myself why it was that I loved to write here.  There was so much more to me then, it felt like.  Even now, I feel as though I’m not nearly the same kind of person that I was.  Like I’ve just completely muted myself…toned it down to being just a boring, bland mass of flesh hunkered over a keyboard for 14 or 15 hours a day (only 9 of them at work….how awesome am I?!).  Basically, I don’t really get a chance to vent anymore.  The person I most feel the need to vent about, I can’t vent to.  Let’s just say she doesn’t necessarily take the (supposed) criticism well.  But before I get into anything resembling that….a recap of where I am today…


When last anyone here saw me, I was in the (fairly) early stages of a new relationship with a co-worker named Heather.  We started on October 31, 2007.  As it stands today, we are engaged and set to be married on October 31, 2010.  We still work together…in fact, we sit right next to each other, with only a short cube-wall separating us.  It’s a (mostly) strong, healthy relationship.  We have our issues, but who doesn’t?  Besides, I’ll get into those more and more as I go along.  She’s one of the main reasons I’m back….and I’ll leave it at that for now.

I’m still working for the vile, evil Comcast cable corporation.  I have, however, been "promoted" again.  Whereas before I was a lowly Help Desk agent, I’m now a slightly less lowly Workforce Monitoring Help Desk agent.  The main perk for me is never, ever having to answer phone calls anymore.  That’s pretty much a sign of having the ultimate call center job.  Not even supervisors get that great of a gig.  This position has it’s own special versions of fun, though.  And I’m sure there’ll be plenty of that I get to get into.  But it’s a good job.  I really do enjoy it quite a lot, despite what things I may (may?  who am I kidding…WILL) say in the future.

::stares at passerby::  Damn!  Uh…wait…where was I?

The previous bane of my existence, Shera, is nowhere to be found when running an thorough examination of my life.  Last time I talked to her was by text message about 3 or 4 months ago (a fact I’ve kept secret from any and all who know me).  It was a good conversation where we both apologized for several things.  Nice as it was to talk to her again, I know we could never, ever, ever be friends.  Quite frankly, it would be far too easy for me to fall back into my old habits with her.  How do I know?  I don’t think I’ve ever really gotten her out of my system, so to speak.  I never really gave myself time to process the ending of our friendship.  Consider this in reference to that:  our friendship basically ended the exact same day I had my first date with Heather (the aforementioned Halloween of 2007).  I’ve always been bad about not processing things in a timely manner, especially when not giving myself the chance to.  So, yeah…


The levels of Nerddom have remained the same, yet different.  Where I was once a tremendous film nerd, I am now just as much of a comic book nerd.  So there will be plenty of that as we go.  Still will be lots of movie and game and music references, too.  But who can wait to hear me start going on and on about the comics I buy each and every Wednesday (in fact, I might have to make that a regular feature…I tried that on my MySpace, but it failed because it was misdirected from day one…anyway…).  For me, it’s DC comics all the way.  I don’t read anything else at all.  Sad fanboyism?  You betcha!

Now Playing on Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Game" from Persona 4 Soundtrack and "Ordinary World" by Red (awesome, awesome remake fo the Duran Duran song….yeah, process those words and have ’em make sense)

Since it’s getting close for time to me leave work (that’s right….entirely responsible use of work time for me!), I should probably wrap this up for now.  I’m hoping this doesn’t end up as an aborted comeback attempt, and I think, with some effort on my part, and plenty of slow nights at work, I can make this happen.  Until the next time, FERK OFF!


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May 7, 2009

I haven’t forgotten about you. And I didn’t take you off my list, just in case. Is that ok?