Parenthetical Patchwork

Ah, sweet freedom…  It’s been a very long time in coming, and, quite frankly, is just goddamn overdue.  What in the sweet bejeezus am I blathering about?  Well, about three weeks ago, I finally moved out of my dad’s house permanently.  Like I said…goddamn overdue.  I’d been trying my ass off to do it for about a month before my stepmom and I came to an argumentative agreement:  I get out.  Which was fine.  I needed to be out.  For the last few months, I’d been living my life trying to stay away from her.  So now I never even have to see her, which is fantastic.

Fuckin’ell that sounds like the whining of a 15 year old.  Oh well.  Moving on.

Work is still, well, work.  Sears doesn’t change much.  The main reason I even want to go anymore (besides to make my paltry salary) is to see Amy.  She works Loss Prevention department, which is just a fancy way of saying she’s part of security.  Their office is in the stockroom, so she passes in and out a lot.  Which is good, because she’s so frickin’ hot.  And I’m not just talking about looks and body here, though those are amazing, but I mean everything about her.  She’s interesting, she’s funny, she’s engaging, and, oh by the way, she’s also living with her boyfriend.  It’s always the way.  At least for me.  Then again, Will’s sister is trying to set me up with a friend of hers.  I’ve spoken to her on the phone once (which reminds me, I really need to call her again…it’s been a couple weeks…God, I’m such an asshole, as she likely thinks I hate her).  She seemed interesting enough (as much as about 60 minutes of phone conversation can convey, at least….damn I like parentheses tonight), but she needs some serious educating.  She’d never heard of any of my favorite movies or musical acts.  Well, not most of ’em anyway.  I always enjoy exposing new people to the realm of oddity that is my taste in distractions.

I spent two weeks without cable and/or internet.  Now I remember what people mean when they say "primitive."  What’s that you say?  That ain’t it?  Well it sure as fuck is to me.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Futures" by Jimmy Eat World, "Otsego Amigo" by Static-X (their new CD is kick ass, as expected), and "Development" by Nonpoint (this one came at me from nowhere today…I haven’t listened to that song in probably over a year, but it just started running through my head at work today for no reason)

If I at any point seem delirious it’s because I slept for about two non-consecutive hours last night and got out of bed at 7:30 a.m.  Then I proceeded to work my ass off for 11 hours.  And now it’s about 1:30 a.m.  What the fuck keeps me awake and going, not to mention actually thinking, at a time like this?  I wish I knew.  Perhaps it’s copious amounts of stupidity.  I dunno.

At some point during the first two hours at work today, I ripped a huge hole in my pants.  I had a small one in them right where the pocket I put my wallet is (in other words, right ass cheek).  Without my even knowing it, that small hole became a gaping one all the way across the cheek.  Luckily, I do always still wear basketball shorts between pants and undergarments so it wasn’t like anything was going to show.  Still, though, I needed to find a way to patch the hole up, because it just looked so horrid.  What did I do?  I took a couple of ink tags and fastened them to strategic parts of the tear to seal it up.  It was so bad, but so fucking hilarious.  I’m such an idiot sometimes.  But it worked, so I guess I’m not as big an idiot as I say I am.  Which is normal.

Will had a job interview in KC today.  He tried to call me while I was at work, presumably to tell me how it went, but I couldn’t answer it, nor could I get ahold of him back later on.  Considering it was for work as a security guard at Target…I figure he could nail it, no problem.  I still gots plenty of faith in the boy, even when he has none.

My hair didn’t make it, yet again.  I shaved it off a week or so ago.  That’s something like 4 straight years of this fucking horseshit.  Why can’t I make up my fucking mind?  I mean really.  What is it that makes me decide to go back in forth with such regularity?  Late winter I decide to grow it out, I say it isn’t going anywhere, then, after about 4 months, I shave it.  It’s like clockwork.

Ok, I think it’s time to wrap this fuckin’ thing up.  I have yet to buy a desk chair, so I have to sit in the floor and stare up at my monitor to do this shit.  Maybe this weekend, when I’ll finally have a couple days off, I can get me one.  It’ll make my life just a li’l bit easier.  And hey, don’t we all need all the help we can get with that?

What the fuck am I even talking about at this point?  What a way to end…


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